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Chapter Twelve
Los Angeles, California - A Week Later

Everybody was back home and tension was thick in the air. Mya found a place for her and Landon and didn't even attempt to go back to her place with Chris. Even though Mariah was falling for Mya's bodyguard, Mario her ex was trying to keep her down by bringing the custody battle back. He knew he wouldn't win, he just wanted to do anything to keep her down.

Over at Kayla's new place she sat on the edge of her tub, waiting for the results from the pregnancy tests she took. She tried to deny it but all the symptoms were there.

Exhaling, she stood up and walked over to the sink and stared at the sticks in front of her. The two lines on each stick caused her heart to race and tears to fill her eyes. This was the last thing she needed and the last thing she wanted with Hoody. He was already about to have a baby and she didn't want to be caught up in any mess. She didn't know what to do.

Heading to her room, she grabbed her phone and text both of sisters, asking them to come over. They both have kids and probably could help her come up with a decision on what she should do.

Over at Tim's house, Mya's lawyer knocked on his door. She truly meant that she was cutting him off.

Getting up from his normal spot, he slowly made his way over to see who was bothering him. The only person who's been visiting was his mom even though he didn't expect anything else.

Opening the door, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the woman he didn't know. "Can I help you?"

"Timothy Anderson?"


"Hi, I'm your sisters lawyer, Diane."


"I wanted to personally come serve you these papers." She handed him an envelope. He snatched them out her hand.

"What is this?"

"An eviction notice. You have to evacuate the premises within the next 30 days or purchase the property from your sister. She's also willing to let you pay rent. All of your options are listed in the letter. Thank you for your time." She smiled and walked away to her car.

Tim couldn't believe that his sister was doing this just because he was having a baby. Picking up his phone, he dialed his mom to see if she knew where Mya was. The phone rung for a while then she finally answered.

"Yes Timothy?" She answered.

"Is Mya back?"

"Yeah, I think she and Mariah are over Kayla's place. Why?"

"No reason, I'll call you back." He hung up before she could say anything else then made his way upstairs to slip on some clothes.

"Where you going?" Syren asked.

"Out, I'll be back."

Back over at Kayla's place her sisters comforted her as she cried about the news she got before they came. Mya understood her most because this is how she felt after finding out about Chris's infidelity while she was pregnant with Landon.

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