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Chapter FortyFourMya Brown A Week Later - Mariah's House

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Chapter FortyFour
Mya Brown
A Week Later - Mariah's House

Jade and I sat on the couch, as Me and Mariah talked to Kayla about the recent events that have occurred.

My parents telling us that they're getting a divorce, it feels like a bad nightmare. This might seem crazy but it feels like somebody died, I'm really heartbroken.

"How y'all feeling with all of this going on?" Mariah asked.

"I'm pissed, there's no reason to lie." Kayla said while burping baby Sam. "She told me a few days before they sat down with everybody else, that's why I didn't come. Mommy has been at my place and we don't speak."

"And this random guy she's supposed to be talking to, where the hell did he come from?" I asked.

"Nobody knows." Mariah answered. "She doesn't even go anywhere to meet people."

"Then it has to be somebody from the restaurant, maybe she took his order and they exchanged numbers."

"Talking about this shit makes my stomach hurt, every time."

"That's just my new little niece or nephew." I leaned over. "Hi TT Butt Butt."

Sam started crying making me laughing. I got up and walked over to Kayla, giving her Jade so that I can hold my people and our nicknames. "Sammy boo you can't be jealous of me and my other TT babies, that's not fair to them. You acting like yo daddy right now." I nibbled on his chunky cheeks. This baby is so damn adorable, my ovaries ALMOST jumped.

"Speaking of his dad, has he seen him." Mariah asked and by the look on Kayla's face, we knew that meant no. "Why?"

"I don't want to deal with that man." Kayla answered.

"Okay, let me put my big sister hat on...Kayla, it's not about you babe. Hoody wants to be in Sam's life, you don't have to deal with him, you are just co-parenting."

"In order to co-parent, I'd have to speak to him and every time I speak to him I want to kill him. He hasn't even apologized about that post he made. I hate that man so much."

"You don't." I said. "You love him and that's why you're angry."

Kayla's eyes turned red. "I never wanted to be a single mom, my son deserves to see his mother be loved on and I wanted it to be by his father."

"Let me be an example for you Kayla, that's not always the case and that's perfectly fine! You're going to find an amazing man that loves you so much, and loves Sam just as much. We all want to be a happy family with our kids father, but that's not always the case." Mariah said. "Let that bitterness and anger go, heal, let him be a father to his son and move on."

Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora