Jack Ending

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Your objective had never been to get close to any of these people, yet somehow you'd managed to become quite close with all of them, but especially two. Hoodie had remained your protector, he had become your friend as strange as that sounded. He looked out for you and always listened when you needed to talk. He was a good friend.

But then there was Jack, a man you had no idea how you got on the good side of.

He was still quiet, but now whenever he saw you he'd try to start a conversation even if it was just small talk. Along with that, it seemed as if this place was designed for tall people. Jack being the tall man he is, he always seemed to be around to help you whenever you couldn't reach something. It was nice in a strange way. It felt like he'd become your second protector, though nowadays that seemed to mean something different. You weren't a victim anymore, you were a resident, and they'd all accepted that as soon as you had too.

But maybe he'd become your friend as well. Maybe helping you with random things was his way of showing his affection. Acts of service.

With your freedom and your newly acquired friends, you now had two people to follow around. Did you have to constantly be with someone? No, but you found whenever you were alone you couldn't ever really escape them. Your thoughts had become intruders whenever you decided to have some alone time.

Between meal times you'd usually go find someone to hang around with, and recently you'd been leaning towards Jack to fill that spot.

He was still so interesting to you. All of these people were intriguing in their own way, but especially Jack. He was a demon. A very, very tall human eating demon. It was impossible to not have some interest in him. At least that's the reason you told yourself whenever you scoured the mansion for his presence.

More often than not Jack could be found in the library, sitting in the same little lounge area you'd first talked in. Dark red cushioned seats wrapped in dark wood. Yellow toned lights shining down onto the tables beside them with a coffee table in its center. It was a calm little area you always found yourself gravitating back to.

Because of this it wasn't long before you finished the book you'd been reading. It was a long one and it had taken a good week to finish, but now it was over. The lingering questions and dread you experienced upon finishing a book hadn't escaped you yet, even as you looked for your next story to dive into.

You weaved between shelves, eyes up and unfocused as you waited for something to catch your eye. Horror novels, fantasy books, slice of life, every option was laid out before you. It was just a matter of what you wanted to read.

A silvery blue cover stuck out to you, making you stop in your tracks and look up at it. From how far you had to crane your neck back you knew it was way to high up for you to reach, yet you still tried. You stood as tall as you could, arching your feet and standing on the very tips of your shoes. Even still, just as you'd expected, there was no way you could reach this book. But Jack could... or you could get a chair. Jack frequently got things down for you so you figured he must not mind, but you didn't really want to disturb him when you knew you could just get it yourself.

With a sigh you walked through the hallway of literature until you arrived back at the secondary sitting area. The larger one that seemed to endlessly wait for a surge of people to suddenly walk in and read. It was such a big place yet there only seemed to be four people living within these walls to occupy the space. It seemed unnecessary, but like many details of this manor you never questioned it.

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now