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In the next few passing seconds there was silence before a loud scream echoed throughout the forest.

"JADE, NO!" Sadie yelled at the top of her lungs, her eyes wide with tears pouring down her cheeks. Masky scoffed at her clear distress and ripped her back by her hair before she could even try to intervene.

There was a brief moment of silence before your ears picked up the sound of choking and gurgling as you realized that Jade's knife had never ceased in diving down towards Emery's neck. Blood ran down the sides of her throat and coated the shining knife Jade still held. With gritted teeth, she yanked out the blade and blood sputtered from the wound. Emery flailed her arms, and with shaky hands she made an attempt to stop what seemed like a never ending flow of blood from her neck. The life from her eyes slowly faded as she gasped for the air she was no longer able to breath.

Sadie sobbed and thrashed in Masky's hold as she desperately tried to crawl over to the corpse of her friend.

Only as you stared at Emery's lifeless body did you finally notice that you were crying. Your jaw had fallen open with pure shock and horror, while your body just felt numb. You couldn't move, and your wide eyes wouldn't let you look away from Emery's bleeding neck and Jade who stood over her while still wielding her knife.

Emery was dead, and Jade had killed her.

"SHUT UP!" You heard Masky yell before raising his hand and bringing it down on Sadie's cheek.


And then the only sound you could make out was her whimpering as she crumbled back to the ground.

"Well that was fuckin' brutal!" Jeff cackled as he walked over to Jade with a broad grin. He playfully slapped her on the back before disarming her and dragging her to the sidelines across from you. He had her sit down as he looked over to Masky and Hoodie with a smirk, "go take a break or whatever while we clean this shit up."

Hoodie pulled you up by your arm and back around to the front of the house where he sat you down on the steps of the porch. As tears still ran down your face, he silently sat to your right. He sighed before placing his hand over yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. Though his gesture was somewhat comforting, his words definitely weren't.

"You know what you have to do."

You vigorously shook your head in response, barely holding in a sob, "I... I can't!"

His grip on your hand tightened to the point it nearly hurt, "yes you can. You're not going to die, Y/N."

"But S-Sadie! She... she-"

"She doesn't matter, you do. And you're going to be just fine, alright?"

You sniffled as you rubbed away your tears as best as you could before giving a weak nod.

"Good," and with that he loosened his hold on your hand, though he didn't let go. You took in a deep breath as you stared down at your dirt-covered boots. You felt terrible, you had just watched Emery die at the hands of Jade, and soon enough you were meant to do the same to Sadie. Hoodie demanded that you kill her, and you were terrified of what would happen if you didn't. He said if neither of you fought, you'd both die, but maybe that was for the best. For everything to just end.

But as your gaze rose back up to Hoodie, you couldn't help but want to stay here with him instead. Despite his cold eyes and uncaring demeanor, you felt safe around him, and a part of you didn't want to let that go.

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now