❤️Special chapter❤️

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This chapter was made for reaching 200 hearts on Quotev

This is a few clips and headcannons of what it would have been like if EJ was your trainer



Getting dragged down two sets of stairs by the back of your shirt was, as expected, not very pleasant. You were sure your spine had at least a few bruises by now, but unfortunately there was nothing you could do to stop yourself from getting yanked into a basement. Your captor, Jack, was as unconcerned as one could possibly be with your well-being, and said nothing as he pulled you along. The pain faded into a dull throb once he finally stopped, his eyeless gaze staring you down.

You slowly sat up, rubbing your back as you hissed in pain. The room was very cold, and your thin shirt didn't do much to combat the temperature. The air felt almost damp, and smelled unsettlingly like bleach and blood. Shelves and a few cages lined the walls, and upon focusing on the jars sitting atop the shelves, you discovered the contents to be various organs. Oh right, he eats people, lovely.

Jack cleared his throat to get your attention before beginning, "I assume you already know who I am." His voice was deep and raspy, his words coming out more like a growl and sounding like he definitely didn't talk much. Gathering your thoughts, you gave a short nod in response to his statement.

"Alright, I'm in charge of you for while you're being kept here. You're going to do as I say without question, or else you'll face the consequences. Got it?"

You stared at him blankly, not quite sure what to say. What was even going on here? Why were you still alive? You had discovered the unfortunate truth of these beings, and now you were being kept in one's basement. Feeling that Jack was growing annoyed with your lack of response, you gave another nod.

He crossed his arms and ordered, "good, now get up."

Selection HC:


The order of selection would have been the same, but Jack would have picked third instead of Hoodie. If Jack had been your trainer, Hoodie would have ended up with Emery since she'd still be everyone's last pick. This is because she froze up when the group was attacked in the forest. Jade and Sadie showed bravery while Emery had to literally be dragged away by you.




Jack's now ungloved palm came across your face in a swift motion, leaving a stinging red mark on your cheek.

"What, so you're just gonna beat me into submission now?" You spat with venom as you now sat kneeling on the floor. One hand cradled your face while the other worked to push you back up onto your feet, but every time you tried to stand, you only got kicked back down.


He said nothing as he hit you yet again, though he was obviously growing angrier. Testing his patience was never a good idea, but in the heat of the moment you couldn't bring yourself to care.

"Might as well just kill me now, cause I'm not going to do anything you say."

And with those words that seemed to be the last straw, which you unfortunately found out as soon as his combat boot came crashing down on your skull, slamming your nose onto the concrete floor. Blood gushed out of your nose as you groaned in pain, slowly raising your head as the room seemed to spin.

Only adding to the pain was when he crouched down in front of you and roughly grabbed your face, forcing you to look up into the black, empty, void-like sockets of his mask.

"Shut up."

Training HC's:


- You'd be taught close range combat with a focus on stealth and a dagger as a weapon

- Defense is a big part of his fighting style, so you'd be taught many of those moves

- He'd probably end up teaching you a little bit of first aid stuff

- Stamina and speed would be a big part of training

- He'd make sure that you're properly hydrated and that you've stretched correctly so that you don't end up injured

Seeing him eat:


Well, this was certainly something you never thought you'd see. A demon with gray skin and jagged teeth tearing into someone's cut out liver. Blood spurted from the organ with eat bite he took, the substance staining his teeth and dripping down his chin, leaving spots and speckles of red to seep into the floor. He tore into it as if he hadn't eaten in a year, his focus solely on the bloody lump as if he didn't have a care in the world that you were watching in horror.

Sure, in the research you'd done about him, the fact that he ate people had come up quite a bit, but those stories and theories never truly captured how terrifying it would be to see him in the act.

He had gone through two other organ-filled jars, and he was now on his third. You could count around fifteen jars scattered around the room, but you were sure he had more in the fridge he never seemed to open.

Jack let out a snarl as he ripped out another chunk of meat, savoring it's chewy texture and metallic taste. While it hadn't been quite a year, Jack had put off eating for a good week, and the side of him that craved flesh was not happy about it. When he did eat, it usually wasn't that much, so him going through three jars wasn't exactly normal. Even more out of the ordinary, he was eating in front of you, which he had never done before. He of course didn't really care what you thought of him, it was just quite uncomfortable to have a human gawk at him while he ate. But in his current state, he was completely unbothered by your widened eyes and terrified expression.

He seemed almost animalistic, and that observation hadn't brought you much fear until his gaze rose and met yours.

General HC's:


- His empathy is nonexistent

- He's usually pretty calm, but if you disobey you'd be immediately punished whether he's actually mad or not

- He'd totally threaten to eat you

- He does not know how to cook, so expect foods that are very low effort, and at least one granola bar a day

- He does not care if you're cold and would not do anything about it until you've been with him for over two weeks, then he might throw a blanket at you

- The mask would not come off, the closest you'd get to seeing his face for a good long time is his mouth when he eats. It'd only fully come off sometime after if you survived the fights


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