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 The next day eventually came along with the meeting. You had spent the remaining hours of yesterday looking into slender sickness, and the majority of today reading journals called 'Creepypasta Experiences.' Creepypasta experiences were supposed encounters with one of the characters. Teenagers claimed to see Slenderman, and other kids would share what they had seen or heard as well. Experiences usually weren't very dangerous or intense, most consisted of hearing footsteps, tapping, and seeing shadows. Luckily none of which had been happened to you. These journals were helpful though, whether everything inside was fact or not, at least it was another source of information.

The agreed-to time of the meeting was nearing, and you headed downstairs with your laptop. You had gotten an idea of what to expect if Slenderman was real, and now hopefully everyone would be aware of the caution they needed to take.

Once again everyone sat on a couch with a laptop sitting in front of them, though this time you sat beside Emery while Sadie and Jade sat together. Emery was still a bit anxious about this project, but she looked to feel a lot better than she did yesterday. You sighed as you pulled up your research document and looked around the room.

"Alright, the sickness." Sadie began, looking up from her screen, "Emery thinks she has it, so we need to be careful." She took in a breath, "I know I'm fine so far, what about you two?"

Jade nodded, "I'm good."

"Same." You added in agreement. You had been fine lately, a bit paranoid, but not physically ill.

"Okay, good. Emery, has anything changed or gotten worse?" Sadie asked,

"No, I've just been getting a bunch of headaches."

"That's good, tell us if it does get worse though." Emery nodded and smiled a bit in her direction.

"So, anyone find anything new?" Sadie asked after a moment.

"Yep, experience journals." You stated, glancing at Sadie. "They're people's experiences with Slenderman and everyone related to him. They're not all reliable, but I think it'll give us an idea of what to expect if he is real."

Sadie sighed and nodded, "Well it's not like we can prove much of the information we find anyways... So what type of things happen?"

You glanced down at your laptop and scrolled down a bit, "A lot of it is slender sickness, but some people hear taps and knocks. Then there's also supposed to be a lot of strange dreams that either includes him or death."

"Other than the sickness, nothing else is happening," Emery spoke up.

"Good, but if any of us ever notice anything we need to tell each other, okay?" Sadie said as she looked at everyone with a serious gaze. Once everyone nodded compliantly she spoke again with a softer tone, "Alright, anything else?"

A few shaking heads gave Sadie her answer, and with that, the meeting had come to a close. Instead of everyone splitting up for the rest of the evening, it was decided that today would be a movie night in order to clear your heads a bit. When dealing with things of the paranormal sort, everyone needed to stay calm and be careful, and what better way to stay calm than watching a movie? After a bit of looking through Netflix it was decided that the movie would be one called, 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space.' It was an 80's movie, and it looked like it'd be funny whether intentional or not.

Everyone stayed on the same couch they started on and adjusted to be as comfortable as they could. You half sat half laid against the end of your couch and rested your head on your arms. Your eyes were mostly shut and focused on the weird space clown movie. It was about what you expected, which wasn't necessarily a good thing. It was somewhat funny and somewhat just... interesting. It was almost over though, and then you'd get to make dinner with Jade. Every other day household duties would switch between roommates. For example, yesterday Emery and Sadie did the cooking while you and Jade would clean anything if needed. Today you switched. Neither of you were the best cooks, but you always managed to whip up something at least somewhat edible.

Other than thoughts of food, your mind was filled with wonder. You had so many questions about the entity that was Slenderman, but sadly most of them would probably remain unanswered. It's not like you could ask him yourself, and no one seemed to know a whole lot about him. He was a mystery with no attainable answer. Sure there were symptoms of being in his presence, but other than that no one knew how he existed, why he existed, or what he was. The surface had only been scratched, and you desperately wanted to dig a tunnel beneath it. Only, you had no idea how. New information was scarce if not nonexistent, and no new sources had been found for quite some time. At least that's what you had gathered from the experience journals you had recently binge read. People were looking, but they simply didn't know what for.

Forest disappearances were common, and not all could possibly be linked to him, surprisingly it was rather difficult to find the ones that could. As for sightings, with the use of photoshop, anything was possible. Nothing could be seen as 100% truth, no matter how convincing. It's unfortunate, but the truth. You want to find more, you need to find more. And you definitely need an unheard of source of information.

A tap on your shoulder ripped you out of your thoughts and brought your attention to Jade who had stood up. You were confused for a moment before it clicked that it was time to make dinner. You nodded and stood up before following her into the kitchen.

"So what do you wanna make?" You asked as she switched on the light.

"Let's just make grilled cheese." She replied rather unenthusiastically, grabbing two pans and a spatula. You nodded and got out both bread and butter. Grilled cheese was one of the first things you learned to make on a stove. It was simple and only took around ten minutes.

Together you and Jade made four sandwiches and passed them out to everyone. Cartoons were switched on after the movie ended, and now the four of you were watching Tom and Jerry. The room was calm, and you felt relaxed. Any paranoia you felt always faded away when you were with your housemates. Spending time with them was nice, and you were glad you met them.

An hour passed before everyone went to their rooms and either slept or kept researching. Your mind had been taken off of Slenderman, and you didn't feel the need to read anything else about him today.

You looked over to Jade with a small smile, "Goodnight Jade."

She glanced up from her laptop and did the same, "Goodnight Y/N."

3.6 pages, 1,173 words

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