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     Hot blood leaked from your tongue as pain was the only thing keeping you from crying. You hated feeling weak in front of these people and you hated even more that they'd all seen you cry before. Weakness was something you'd had to shove down yet somewhat embrace in order to survive, but even still the thought of letting them see you cry made you want to vomit.

So with that you sprung up from the rocking chair and bolted back into the house. You didn't even give Jeff a chance to prod at your open wounds as you simply ran past him and up the stairs.

Tears blurred your vision as you sprinted and as soon as you got to Hoodie's room and slammed the door shut you broke down. Falling to the floor in a heap of self hate and anger. All of your walls were simultaneously crumbling and all you could do was sob.

You could feel your heart pulsing with guilt and your lungs burning from the sharp inhales you took in when you managed to actually breath. You couldn't see and you could hardly think. You couldn't even move as wail after wail left you. Tears were streaming down your cheeks while your eyes grew puffy and red.

You felt so alone. You had gotten away from everyone as you had wanted but having no one almost seemed to make everything worse. Jack's presence the other day had been nice, not that you wanted to ever truly admit such a thing. Finding comfort in a killer wasn't something normal. You still wanted to feel normal though it was far too late for that. The blood of your friends on your hands had soiled any sense of feeling like you were a good person. Had you even been before? Had you ever?

You didn't know anymore. Maybe this had always been in you.

But did that really matter at this point? Right now you just wanted Hoodie to come back. Navigating this new way of living and a literal murder mansion was torture alone. He was your support, he made you feel safe. He protected you from the others and he'd even shot Jeff to get him to stop harassing you. He was the only thing that made you feel safe in this new twisted world.

And now he had left you all alone.

When you opened your eyes you discovered the room was pitch black, and when you sat up to look out the window you saw the moon. You blinked in surprise but all that did was remind you of how hard you had cried earlier and that your eyes were now somehow sore. Groaning at the foreign feeling you rubbed your eyes until it faded to a dull ache.

Apparently you'd slept through most of the day, and upon actually moving you instantly regretted that you'd done so whilst hunched over on the floor. Your spine felt like it'd been twisted around backwards and your legs were extremely stiff.

You appreciated now more than ever the fact Hoodie had at least given you a pillow.

Pushing yourself up onto a knee before fully standing you couldn't help but wince. Unfortunately now that you were up you weren't tired anymore. It was night and at the moment you really wanted to sleep, but your body had recharged and you had nothing to do to drain it. Unless you cried again, but that tank also seemed to be empty.

You looked around with a frown before you landed on the door and paused. There was always the tv downstairs. You could probably find something to watch and entertain you for the time being.

The cold metal of the doorknob met your palm as you turned it and pulled the door open. The hall was cold and dark. The only light came from the windows, and even then it was a dim blue. You shivered before stepping forward and making your way downstairs. Everything was so quiet. You would have expected these people to be night owls, but maybe you were wrong. Or you were right and they just preferred to be lone night owls.

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now