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Whether today was a suicide mission or not, you didn't know. If Ryan wasn't lying and the forest next to ash lake was actually where Slenderman currently was, your group was screwed. He had no known weaknesses, and you doubted he was something people could outrun. I mean, look how that turned out for the cast of Marble hornets. With a sigh, you finished shoving a flashlight into your backpack. Everyone in the group was bringing a backpack full of whatever they saw fit. While none of you intended to spend the night out there, it was better to be prepared in case something went wrong. So far you had packed some bandaids, bandages, granola bars, a bottle of water, a pocket knife, and an extra flashlight. You didn't know what the others were packing, but that was up to them.

This could be dangerous, and you all needed to be extremely careful out there. You rummaged through your bag once more to assure yourself you hadn't forgotten anything before heading downstairs. In order to blend in with the forest more, you wore all black, including your combat boots you had gotten a while ago. You had originally just gotten them because they looked cool, but they were also very functional.

In the living room stood your group. Everyone seemed to have had the same idea as you for camouflage. They all wore their backpacks as well and looked thoroughly prepared for today's adventure.

"Ready?" Sadie asked no one in particular. You all nodded, looking very nervous yet somewhat excited. This project had turned out to be much more dangerous than any of you could have expected. If this shit was real, you were all jumping through a gate to hell.

Everyone stepped outside into the surprisingly cool outdoors. Though it was summer, clouds covered the sky and prevented most, if not all of the sunlight from raining down. Sadie led the group to her black car and hopped into the driver's seat. The group didn't really have a declared leader, but Sadie usually assumed that role without anyone's complaint. She was a good leader regardless of whether she was given that title or not.

The car started up, and once everyone was settled the car sped off towards the lake. Next to Sadie in the front seat sat Jade, while you and Emery sat in the back. Emery shot you a nervous look, to which you returned with an understanding smile. You'd be lying if you said you weren't afraid of what you might find out there, and so would everyone else. The sickness had proven to be real, so who's to say this isn't well?

Less than ten silent minutes passed before the car pulled into a parking lot and stopped just in front of the forest. There it was, in all of its terrifying glory. An even tenser silence than before filled the car as the four of you all stared into its depths. Then Sadie took in a breath and slowly opened her door,

"Alright. Let's do this."

One by one you all climbed out of the car and stood together in the mostly empty parking lot. Sure, everyone was still very skeptical, but not skeptical enough to not fear walking through the forest. With a nod of her head, Sadie led the group towards the tree line and into the deep and dark forest.

Your eyes looked around, searching for any sign of something strange. The sky was gray and cloudy, casting even more shadows over the ground. Trees towered over your group as the four of you cautiously walked farther and farther away from the parking lot. A chill ran up your spine as a twig snapped rather loudly in the distance. You reached back to the pocket of your backpack and hurriedly unzipped it. Gulping back your fear, you pulled out your pocket knife and held it by your side. In Jade's hand switched on a flashlight. It was dark, and anything further than a few feet ahead was unseeable. The light crept through the darkness and revealed nothing where the twig had snapped. You sighed in relief, it was probably just an animal.

After a short pause, your group continued on, the darkness only growing the deeper you went. The air was cold, and the only sound other than the crunching of leaves, were the birds chirping further along the unclear path.

"Hey!" A voice suddenly called out. To the right of you a few feet away stood a tall man with platinum blonde hair. Before any of you could speak he continued, "What a coincidence!" He looked to you with a smile, "Y/N, is that you?" Your group looked back at you with confusion before it seemed to click in their heads,

"Did you...?" Sadie began, looking both frustrated and confused.

"No!" You defended with a shake of your head before looking to the man with a frown, "Are you, Ryan?"

His smile stretched into a grin, "Yep! I figured I'd go back here and see what else I could find. It's so funny that we ran into each other!"

Sadie's eyes lingered on you for a moment before she sighed and sent a glare to the man, "Yeah, real funny. We'd better get going though."

Ryan's grin faltered a bit, "Well since we're all here, why don't I show you where I found the page."

"No thanks. We'd like to look around ourselves." Sadie was growing annoyed with the man, and that was becoming evident on her face. With a sigh, Ryan nodded. Sadie scowled as she picked up the pace a bit and speed-walked away. After a while, she glanced back at you once again,

"You didn't invite him, did you?"

"No, Sadie. I wouldn't do that. I don't know why he's here." You frowned and looked down a bit. She didn't seem pleased with you even though you truly had no part in his appearance. You were just as surprised as they were, and perhaps even more confused. How the hell did he happen to be here the same time you were? He was sketchy for sure, and once you got home you were definitely going to cut off communication with him.

Sadie nodded again, her annoyance only fading a small amount. Jade stayed quiet and kept her eyes focused on the forest. Emery sighed a bit and placed a hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner. At least someone believed you. You looked to her with a smile and a nod of appreciation. You hoped this bit of drama would blow over quickly.

A few minutes passed until you picked up on what sounded like footsteps behind you. Turning around, you were met with the sight of Ryan following your group. He raised a hand and waved at you with a smirk. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

"Guys..." You walked a bit faster and grabbed the attention of everyone before pointing at the man. Upon seeing him again, Sadie let out a growl,

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Ryan smiled innocently, "Hm? I'm just taking a stroll through the woods. A lovely day isn't it?"

"Fuck off."

"Oh come on, what're you getting so mad for?" He teased, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"Listen you-" Sadie began only to be cut off by the flash of silver being ripped out of the pocket of his jacket.

She gasped and backed away. Your eyes widened. Was this a trap all along? You silently cursed at yourself for being so oblivious. You had just led your friends into a trap, and now you were cowering away from a guy with a dagger.

"What do you want?" Jade hissed, revealing a pocket knife of her own. Ryan chuckled at the small weapon and stepped forward, tilting his head to the side mockingly,

"Whatcha gonna do with that?"

"The hell do you th-" She was cut off as well when Ryan dashed forward and held his dagger to her throat.

He grinned up at the rest of you, "You might wanna run."

Sadie snarled and rushed towards him only to be tackled to the ground by another man who had run out from behind a tree. This one wore a tan jacket and had dark hair, he was armed with a gun and was in the process of threatening Sadie with it. You began to move forward in an attempt to help as she thrashed beneath the man, but she stopped you.

Tears rimmed her eyes as she fought with all her might, "Run!"

You shook your head and stared in shock before noticing two more figures approaching. You looked to Emery who watched fearfully, her body shaking. You swiftly grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the scene.

You needed to get out of here, you needed to call the cops. This had gone so terribly wrong, and now all you could do was hope that they'd be fine until you got help.

4.3 pages, 1,523 words

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