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     Screams rang out behind you, but neither you nor Emery could bring yourselves to look back. The only chance Jade and Sadie had was if you got help. You had to escape, or else you all were as good as dead. Darkness surrounded you as the sound of laughter made you shudder. At least one of the men chasing you was having the time of his life. You breathed hard as you ran, Emery doing her best to keep up with you. Suddenly a force yanked you back as you saw that Emery had tripped on a tree root.

"Shit!" You grunted as you steadied yourself before grabbing her arm and dragging her to her feet. "Come on!" You yelled and began running once again. She stumbled after you only to shriek a moment later. Emery was ripped from your hold and held in place by a hooded man. He pressed his gun to the side of her head as his unseeable eyes fixated on you. Tears streamed down her face as she stood frozen in place.

"Move, and I'll shoot." The hooded man stated, his voice deep and menacing. He was tall, and though shadows covered most of his form it was clear that he was well built. You didn't dare move at that threat and only stared up at him with hatred. Behind him ran up two other men, one a bit taller but smaller framed, and another who stood taller than both. The first one had long dark hair, and the grin on his face was so wide, it almost looked cut on. The second one wore all black, and also had a hood hiding his identity. The grinning one snickered at your unmoving form as your gaze fell upon him. Fear and anger seeped from your glare, but that only seemed to amuse him more.

He harshly patted the hooded man on the back, "Jeez, really takin' the fun outta the chase man." He sighed before looking over at you with a smirk, "Anyways girly, why don't you ignore what this guy said, and keep running." He chuckled, "It's more fun that way."

You vigorously shook your head, your eyes not leaving Emery's shaking form. You weren't going to risk it.

With a groan, he stepped forward, "Fine then, just stay right where you are while we knock you both out."

Your eyes widened as you clenched your fists. Shit. You were trapped, and you had failed your friends. No one knew where you all had gone, and it'd likely be a while before anyone reported you missing. You had messed up. You had messed up real bad.

And then something even worse became clear to you. Once he had walked closer, you recognized him and it clicked. This wasn't just some kidnapping scheme, well it kind of was, but no, it was more than that. This was the work of him. Slenderman. And standing before you was Jeff. Jeff the fucking killer. One of the characters that your group had deemed as fake. He was real, and he was about to knock you out.

Glancing over to the hooded man who had now thrown an unconscious Emery over his shoulder, that was Hoodie. And the man behind them appeared to be Eyeless Jack. Then earlier, Masky. They were all real, and your group was being kidnapped by them.

Your eyes moved from person to person as your mind tried to process what you had just learned, meanwhile Jeff only moved closer. As he stepped just beside you, you found your legs unable to move. Your body felt numb, and your mind was following suit. Yes, you thought Slenderman had a good chance of existing. But that didn't mean that you wouldn't be shocked to receive that answer and not have a doubt in your mind about his reality. Which had just happened. And now his henchman who you had deemed as nonexistent were standing before you. You were horrified, overwhelmed, and just so confused.

And then came down the end of Jeff's knife on your skull. Your vision blackened as you unwillingly fell into his arms. Shit.


Your eyes sprung open as you looked around the room in fear. A familiar face sat before you and you soon recognized her to be Sadie. Relief filled your senses as you quickly wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she hugged you back.

You took in a deep breath before pulling away, "Yeah... I'm fine. What happened?"

She frowned and looked down, "We were kidnapped, by them." You blinked in confusion before your mouth fell open in shock as it all came rushing back to you. Ryan who apparently worked with them, Masky who had tackled Sadie, Hoodie who had threatened to shoot Emery, Eyeless Jack who stood back and watched, and Jeff who had knocked you out. Your eyes focused back on Sadie who stared at you with an unreadable expression.

"It was a trap." She added, a frown on her face.

"I'm sorry..." You mumbled. You felt so stupid, you should have known better. The signs were so clear, yet you didn't notice them. And now you had been captured by the very beings you wanted to learn about so badly.

Sadie shook her head, a silence filling the room.

You looked around to find that the room was void of furniture and covered with dust and mold. The wall's white paint was stained and chipping off, while the floors looked scraped up and weak, like if you stepped on the wrong area, you'd fall right through. But a more important detail was very clear, Emery and Jade weren't in the room.

"Do you know where the other two are?" You asked, sitting up a bit more in concern.

"No, I think they just separated us. At least I hope that's what happened..."

You nodded and sighed, "Well, we sure got our truth, didn't we?"

Sadie let out a sad and low effort laugh before moving beside you and sitting against the wall. In front of you both stood a door, which you were sure was locked. You sighed and looked over to Sadie with an encouraging smile before taking her hand in yours. Eventually someone would come into this room, but for now you both just had to wait in fear. She gently squeezed your hand and leaned her head back. Whatever was going on, was not good. They hadn't killed any of you yet to your knowledge, which meant they probably had much worse plans. You had to escape, you had to save your friends, but first you needed a plan.

Two men known as Masky and Hoodie walked down the stairs and into the living room where Eyeless Jack and Jeff the killer sat in wait. Everyone's orders were to just capture the targets, it was one of the rare times when they weren't simply told to kill them. Masky walked to the center of the living room with a sigh and looked around the room to find Ryan gone,

"Where did Ryan go?"

Jeff chuckled a bit, "Said he did his part and didn't care what happened to them."

Masky huffed, "Whatever. The boss said what happens to them is up to us. I suggest killing them, but if you wanna do something else, I don't give a shit."

The room was silent for a moment before Jeff spoke once again, "Well, there's four of us, four of them..."

"I don't want a pet, Jeff." Masky crossed his arms.

"Didn't let me finish, so shut the fuck up, Tim." Jeff sent him a sharp glare before continuing, "As I was saying, why don't we do a bit of gambling. Make a game outta it. Choose one of them to train, make them fight each other, and whoever wins the bet gets a favor from each of the losers."

Masky looked to Jack and Hoodie who both shrugged. He thought for a while and sighed once again, "Sure, why not. Only one favor though."

Jeff's grin widened with excitement, "Alright then, better call dibs while you can."

"I want-"

3.9 pages, 1,368 words

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