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Your eyes stayed focused on the large wooden doors of the library, and after taking in a deep breath you took a step towards it. You weren't sure if anyone would be in there or if it would be as empty as the rest of the house seemed. It always unnerved you whenever you were left alone. While Hoodie had never given you this amount of freedom before every few days he left during the night for work. You always woke up to the sound of the door closing. You had become a very light sleeper while staying here. Every time this happened you spent at least an hour trying to fall back asleep, and the creaks and cracks the walls made always kept you up longer. This place wasn't normal, and you knew that at any moment someone or something could jump out at you. But now you had been left alone for a longer period of time, and now you were free to actually leave the room. And you had done just that. You were out of the safety of Hoodie's room, and now you were alone and vulnerable.

You had no one to protect you other than yourself, and though you had managed to beat Jeff up once before, you weren't sure if you'd be able to do it again. You no longer had the support of Sadie, and you hadn't even thought to bring a weapon with you. Shaking your head, you gulped back your nerves as you took a hesitant step towards the doors. Assuring yourself that you were fine, you pushed open the doors and headed inside.

Your eyes widened in pure awe. This room was as huge as any in the mansion, its walls lined with shelves that climbed all the way up to the ceiling. The walls were painted the familiar deep red while both the several bookshelves and the floor were made from dark wood. With the room mainly filled with shelves, there had to be thousands of books stored here. As your eyes scanned the room, studying each part closely from the curtains that kept out most light to the lamps that compensated for it, you finally spotted and made eye contact with the figure who had been simply watching you from the couch.

Wearing his signature blue eyeless mask, you immediately recognized the man. Jack. Though strangely enough, his hood wasn't up which allowed you to see the fluffy dark brown hair it usually hid. Panic flooded your thoughts upon seeing him, but when he just looked back down to the book in his hands and ignored you, your newly tensed shoulders dropped and you felt yourself relax.

He luckily didn't seem to be in a bad mood, yet you weren't about to risk it. And so you quickly shuffled towards the maze of bookshelves to find yourself some safety and entertainment. You searched through the signs attached to the shelves that showed what genre each shelf was dedicated to. There was fantasy, horror, sci-fi, mystery, thriller, every genre you could ever want, and more. There were so many books within these walls, it was amazing to you.

But that's when you saw a particular book cover. It belonged to your favorite book, and you felt a smile bloom on your lips. You loved that book, and it was exactly what you needed to distract yourself from life. You hurried over to it only to realize that it was quite high up and not something you'd be able to reach. Nonetheless, you still tried and reached for the book. But it was too high. You leaned against the shelf and stood as tall as you physically could, but with it being a good foot or two above your hand there was no hope.

You huffed in defeat and ceased your attempts to look around for a stool or chair your could use. But as you looked down and out of the row of books, your eyes met once more with the eyeless man. Based on his tilted head it seemed like he had been watching you the entire time. Not once even bothering to offer his help.

You glanced to the book and back to him with a frown before hesitantly asking, "...could you get it down for me?"

Unfortunately enough, Jack shook his head. "No." You blinked and went to speak only to be interrupted. "Either get it down yourself or find a different one."

A look of annoyance washed over your features as without thinking you retorted, "but I can't get it down myself, it's too high up. You're tall, can't you just be nice and get it?"

"Nope." He simply replied, looking back down to his book once more.

You scowled and silently glared at Jack. Why couldn't he just get up for a second and get it down? And the fact that he had just decided to watch you struggle only irked you further. With a final huff, you shook it off and went to find a chair. There had to be one around here somewhere.

You walked through the library as you looked side to side for something you could use, and eventually, you entered an area with tables, desks, and chairs. With a victorious smile, you hurried over and grabbed the first chair you saw and dragged it back into the labyrinth of books. You only made it about halfway there before you had to pause to shake out your arms. Since when were chairs this heavy? Or was this just another absurdity in this house? It probably was honestly, it was made of metal and it didn't look cheap.

Soon enough you returned to the bookshelf that held your desired book, but as you climbed onto the chair and went to reach for it, it was gone. Your brows knitted together as you looked over every book that had been near it. It had to be here, you knew that this was the same shelf. So how the hell did it just disappear?

You got your answer sooner than you expected. "Looking for something?" A deep voice that you now found very annoying called out. You turned towards Jack just as he held up the book. While you couldn't see his face, you knew damn well that he was smirking. Your glare returned stronger than ever.

What an asshole.

3.1 pages · 1,083 words

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