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A wordless eye contact seemed to stretch on forever until Hoodie shoved the granola bar into your hand. You looked down at it with distrust before your gaze fell back on him. He crossed his arms and sighed,

"Sit down and eat."

You frowned and limped back over to where you had previously been laying on the cold and surprisingly clean wooden floor. You sat down and studied the bar carefully. It was chocolate chip and hadn't seemed to have been opened, which was a good sign. You opened it hesitantly before glancing up at the hooded man. He stood leaning against the door, still staring down at you coldly. He tilted his head a bit at your hesitation to eat, making your frown deepen even further. You sighed before taking a small bite. Were you hungry? Yes. But you didn't trust anything this bastard gave to you or said. Though you obeyed his orders, you still maintained a distasteful eye contact. You realized that you had to play into his little game in order to survive, but that didn't mean you'd be smiling all the way. You'd make your anger known, though you knew you couldn't act on it, you'd already learned your lesson with that.

You looked down at your free arm, seeing all of the cuts, bruises, and dried blood that was scattered upon it. At least a few of them would scar, and if you ever managed to get out of this place you'd constantly be reminded of the harsh truth. You had always wanted to find solid evidence, but that wish never included being kidnapped. This was a terrible situation, and you could only hope for some unrealistic miracle to get you out of here.

With a sigh, you looked away from your injuries and around the room. You had formerly been too panicked to actually take in your surroundings, but now that you were somewhat calm, you could actually process the room you were in. The walls were painted a light gray, and everything seemed to be quite organized. No clothing laid strewn around on the floor, and Hoodie had even made his bed. He seemed like a neat person despite his life choices. Even the posters on the wall were perfectly symmetrical, the room looked more like an example rather than somewhere someone actually lived.

You took another bite of the granola bar, begrudgingly chewing it and swallowing. It's not that it tasted bad, you just didn't have an appetite. You had been told yesterday that you were meant to fight and kill your friends, the people that you're closest to. After your biological family abandoned you, they've been all you had, and now you're supposed to murder them just to survive. You'd rather die than take their lives.

After a few minutes of tense silence, you finished eating the bar and crumpled it up. Hoodie stepped forward and held out his hand to which you placed the plastic in his palm. He tossed it in the trash can before turning back to you and yanking you up to your feet. You shrieked a bit but immediately silenced yourself. His grip was strong, and the cloth of his gloves rubbed against your still opened cuts. You bit back a whimper and followed after him as he dragged you out of the room.

You glanced around nervously, hoping not to see any of your other kidnappers. Hoodie was bad enough, you really didn't want to deal with the others. Unfortunately, your wish not granted.

"Hey there, Brian!" A sickeningly cheerful voice called out. Your eyes widened with fear as you quickly glanced behind you. Jeff. You felt Hoodie's grip on your arm tighten as he spun around to face the man. "Whatcha up to today, already starting training?" Jeff inquired, an obnoxious grin painted on his face.

Hoodie only nodded in reply before speed walking away. You took one last look at Jeff only to not see Jade standing behind him. He stared into your eyes with a smirk as he sent you a mocking wave. You frowned, hoping that Jade was alright wherever she was. Jeff did not seem like he'd be a very pleasant captor to have.

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now