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The next day came soon enough. You woke up curled into a ball on the floor as the sun's rays shined in through the window. The blanket Hoodie had given you a while ago kept you warm as you became aware of how cold the room had gotten overnight. Rolling over to face the window, you studied the browning leaves of the trees outside. This forest didn't seem to follow along with the seasons as nature usually did. Time seemed to move faster here, and no matter what season it appeared to be, the air always held a chill. The forest didn't seem like it was a part of the outside world, it appeared to go by its own laws, and as little sense as that made, it was the only somewhat reasonable solution that you could come up with.

A sigh left your lips before you sat up and glanced to Hoodie who looked to be waking up. He yawned and stretched, soon rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. A moment passed before his eyes met with yours and the both of you paused.

Hoodie blinked a bit and sighed, "morning..."

You nodded softly in acknowledgment to which he just sighed again. As you had learned from your years back in high school, the less you talked the less conflict you got involved in, though Hoodie didn't seem to appreciate this very much anymore.

He yawned one last time before getting up and putting on his mask, causing you to frown. You were never going to like the masks these men wore, though most of them you'd yet to see the faces hidden beneath.

Hoodie headed for the door and soon pulled it open, "let's go."

You said nothing in response as you pushed yourself to your feet before following after him. You weren't sure what the day would bring, but every time you woke up you couldn't help but feel nervous. Your life was in Hoodie's hands completely, and you knew that he could simply toss you away whenever he pleased. The thought scared you, but you couldn't do anything about it. You still had no power here.


A week had passed, and as time went on you admittedly were getting more comfortable here. Though finally getting the stitches taken out of your arm was probably the most uncomfortable thing you'd experienced in a while. Hoodie had been fairly nice recently, and the others seemed to be leaving you alone for the most part. It was nice, peaceful even. For the first few days it had been the same thing over and over again, wake up, go downstairs, eat, watch tv, and repeat. While it was calming, it quickly got repetitive.

But then one morning you woke up and Hoodie was gone. You sat silently in that room for what felt like hours before he came back.

He exhaled a sigh filled with dread before explaining, "I have to go on a mission." These words immediately brought a frown to your lips. He was your current protector from the other residents here, and without him, you'd be vulnerable. A silence followed his statement before he added, "but as long as you don't cause trouble, you can leave the room and go where you want."

Your eyes widened in pure shock. He was giving you freedom? He was letting you roam the house without supervision? You couldn't believe it, yet a part of you was definitely thankful and even a bit excited. You now had the ability to choose what you wanted to do. You could cook, you could go for a walk outside, and you could spend all day watching tv if you wanted to. There was only one problem with wandering the house, the other residents.

Seeing your surprise and small spark of joy, Hoodie pat your head before grabbing his gun from his drawer and shoving it into his holster.

He grabbed a few other things he needed and stuffed them into a backpack before looking to you for a final time, "I should be back in about a week. Be careful." And with that, he left, and you were alone once more.

As his footsteps headed down the hall and away from you, you couldn't help but frown. What now? You were now alone, all by yourself in a mansion of serial killers that you had hardly spoken to. The only one you really knew was Hoodie, and now he had left.

You gulped as you dropped your gaze to the floor. You really didn't want anything to do with the other men that lived here.

There was Jeff. A tall, extremely pale, forever smiling man who was a known sadist and by far the man you feared the most here. He had turned Jade into some sort of murderous zombie, and she had nearly killed you. He had broken her down so much that you couldn't even recognize her, so much so that killing her felt almost easy.

You furrowed your brows. No. Killing someone wasn't easy, and it never would be. Especially for you. You weren't like them. While you had killed people, your friends, you weren't a killer.

You shook off your thoughts and took in a deep breath. You didn't want to think about that right now.

Then there was Jack. Or rather, Eyeless Jack. A supposed demon that lived off of the organs of humans. He was terrifying in his own way, a complete opposite of Jeff's scare tactics. Jack was silent, but his cold stare from the dripping eye sockets that you'd yet to actually see always struck fear through your entire being.

Finally, there was Masky. Hoodie's partner in crime, and though they seemed to be friends, his angry outbursts made you uneasy. Hoodie and he were nothing alike in your eyes, and so you wanted nothing to do with him. Though you could definitely say the same for the rest of them.

They had all contributed to the ruining of your life, and though you had more or less forgiven Hoodie, the rest of them were mostly mysteries. Mysteries that you had no plan to solve.

You looked around the room absentmindedly before you felt your stomach tighten with hunger. You sighed at this and stood up before staring at the door with a frown.

Would it be worth it to leave? It would definitely be risky, yet you knew you'd inevitably have to leave at some point. You just really wish you at least had something to defend yourself with, but unfortunately, Hoodie didn't trust you enough yet to leave his weapons out in the open.

You let another sigh fall before slowly getting up and cautiously approaching the door as if something would simply rip it from its hinges and pounce at you. You shuddered as your hand wrapped around the cold metal of the knob. The others wouldn't hurt you, right? You were Hoodie's as far as you and the others knew, so you were off the table. Right?

With your lips pressed into a thin and very worried line, you finally twisted the knob and pulled it open only to be met with an empty hallway. It was quite underwhelming, but at the moment very comforting.

You took a careful step forward before peeking out. The hallway wasn't deceiving you as far as you could tell, yet you knew that you could potentially be wrong. You unconsciously held your breath as you soon stepped into the hall and once you were sure that no one was waiting in the shadows, you speed-walked down the hall and to the stairs.

Fear was practically written all over your face as you made a beeline for the kitchen. You just wanted food. So you'd get food. Everything was going to be fine.

And surprisingly everything was. No one seemed to be around, and it was eerily silent. You stood leaning against the counter as you ate a hurriedly made sandwich, glancing around the room with suspicious eyes.

But once you were done with your food and still no one showed up, you made the decision to go exploring. You had really only seen the hallways, Hoodie's room, the living room, and the kitchen, and there were so many more areas to explore. Since it seemed safe enough at the moment, you wanted to at least familiarize yourself with your current home.

Stepping out of the kitchen, you roamed the house curiously, yet only three places really caught your eye. The library, the living room, and the area outside.

You looked around, internally having a debate.

So where should you go? The library, the living room, or outside?

4.1 pages · 1,442 words

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