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     Once you managed to stop crying and calm down the rest of the day was fairly uneventful. Jack brought you out to eat lunch and dinner before bringing you back to the library and eventually you even fell asleep there. Strangely enough though, when you woke up you found yourself on Hoodie's bed cuddling a blanket.

It was only a moment of fading warmth before your eyes widened and you scrambled off of the bed. Your face was flushed red and you felt your heart pounding against your ribs. A strange mix of embarrassment and fear had welled up in your chest as you slowly stepped backwards until your back met with the wall and you slid into the safety of your corner. You understood that Jack had just assumed you being on Hoodie's bed would be fine, but you knew better and couldn't help but feel a familiar feeling of terror clouding your senses.

Hoodie hadn't even come back yet, you had no reason to be this worried, yet worry was the only thing you could comprehend at the moment.

You sank into the corner and held your head in your hands as you took in deep breaths. You were fine. He wasn't even here to get mad at you. He'd never even know, there was no way he could. You felt stupid, but at the same time, the logical part of your mind that held onto moments of the past knew very well your fear was rational.

With a final deep breath, you slowly looked up at the ruffled covers of the once made bed. You rubbed your eyes and forced yourself to stand before carefully fixing the bed. He'd never know as long as you didn't tell him, and you definitely had no intention of doing so.

After getting ready to the best of your ability you headed out of the room to find something to occupy your time.

There weren't a whole lot of things to do in the mansion; there was always the library but you weren't really in the mood to read, or see Jack. Jack was certainly a lot nicer than he had been before, but a part of you was a little embarrassed for showing so much weakness in front of him. He was still a stranger after all. Then there was the living room and the TV but that wasn't particularly fun and you had no idea what kind of shows these people would have available.

And lastly, there was the outside, the forest surrounding the mansion. Trees so tall it seemed like they touched the sky and air that always had a chill to it. It wasn't the most comforting place, but it'd provide a temporary escape from everyone which was a plus.

Stepping down the stairs and looking around you quickly made your decision. You could assume that Jack was in the library and only a few feet away lounging on the couch was Jeff. You knew Jeff wasn't allowed to kill you nor supposed to harass you, but with Hoodie gone he unfortunately had even less of a deterrent.

Taking in a small breath you snuck around before hurrying to the door and practically jumping out of it. You doubted it was a very flattering performance but as far as you knew no one was around.

That is, until you glanced to your left and made eye contact with Masky who sat with a slightly amused yet confused expression.

With one dark brow raised and a freshly lit cigarette dangling from his fingers he seemed to silently question why you were in such a hurry. But before you could even think of an answer he asked a different question, "you supposed to be out here?"

You attempted to compose yourself before replying, "I uh... don't think I'm not supposed to be out here."

He hummed at this and gave a short nod. You stood in silence and glanced around before looking back at him. He seemed almost stressed based on his body language, and as he took a drag of his cigarette and let out a puff of smoke you could see that his eyebrows had knitted together. It seemed as though something was bothering him, though you really didn't think it was your place to ask.

Your eyes met for a second time and he gave a sigh. "Do you need something?" You blinked and shook your head to which he sighed again, "then why are you here?"

"...I just wanted to walk around for a while."

A hum followed your reply, "Then shouldn't you be walking?"

You supposed you should, but the empty rocking chair next to him looked strangely appealing. Your eyes fell to it before rising to his as instead of answering him you just asked, "...could I sit?"

A flash of surprise could be seen on his face before he just nodded a bit and took another drag.

You didn't know what sort of confidence you had evidently gained as you shuffled over and sat down. Being surrounded by a cloud of smoke as well as chilling with a serial killer didn't seem especially pleasant yet that's what you had just asked to do. Regret was quickly washing over you yet at the same time you weren't sure you could back out now.

Your gaze drifted over to Masky. The man who had been in charge of Sadie, and one of your four captors. The only somewhat nice memory you had of him was when he made you tea and food, and that had been yesterday. While it was nice to believe people could change, you knew damn well that was only because of the circumstances. Had the games not been over yet, or if you'd had the misfortune of being one of their actual targets, you knew damn well he'd still be treating you like shit he'd just stepped on.

You sighed and stared down at your lap until he decided to break the same tense awkwardness that was always around whenever the two of you occupied the same space.

"So you and your little group were paranormal investigators?"

It was clear he wasn't impressed in the least though you nodded, "yeah..."

He nodded as well and continued, "How'd you get wrapped up in this shit then?"

"That stupid movie," you grumbled as you recalled everything that had happened. It seemed like years ago though it'd only been around a month.

"Really? That movie inspired you?" You could sense a hint of amusement in his scoff as he blew more smoke from his lips.

"Unfortunately." Not all of the tension had dissipated though a good amount of it, oddly enough, had. Masky's presence was nowhere near as unsettling as it had once been. Your responses were still as short as ever though.

"Mhm. I thought you'd just been a horror junkie, but the movie's even sadder." He mocked though not in a way that particularly irked you.

"I mean kinda, but the movie's the main thing."

With another hum, the conversation faded into silence. The forest made up for the lack of conversation though. For as little life as you'd seen it sure sounded full of it. Birds chirped and various critters darted through the brush. It was peaceful.

But as your thoughts wandered you looked to Masky again with a nagging question.

"...Why us?" It was something that'd been in the back of your mind this entire time. There'd been others that had supposedly been taken, but not all were. So why your group?

Masky didn't look your way for a moment as he seemed to think over his choice of words. He seemed calmer than usual thankfully. When he finally looked at you again he sighed, "I wasn't told much. From what I've been told though it was probably because of the group setting you had." He paused to take another inhale from the cigarette before continuing, "things tend to go faster when there are a bunch of people working together, and at the rate you guys were finding shit out the boss needed it to stop."

You nodded slowly as a deep frown formed on your lips. What threat could your group had possibly been to an eldritch being? There wasn't any feasible way to kill it and you didn't think it was even possible to kill his workers based on the time you'd witnessed Jeff take a bullet between his eyes. It didn't make sense. You had all just been four curious college students and now three of you were dead.

It didn't make any sense at all, and between a tidal wave of emotions flooding your mind and the smoke Masky was breathing out you couldn't tell which was filling your eyes with tears.

BΣƬЯΛY ΛПD DΣGЯΛDΣ (Various! Creepypasta x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now