✖️Death Ending✖️

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    You stayed kneeling as you cried and whimpered. All three of your friends were dead, and all because you had fallen for Ryan's stupid trap. The fucking Creepypasta's had kidnapped your entire friend group, and now you were the only one remaining. You were angry, you were sad, and you felt so so guilty. Several different painful emotions kept crashing down on you with every sob that racked your body. Hoodie seemed to try and comfort you, but right now all his presence did was bring you pain. You just wanted to be alone to grieve, but you knew he wasn't going to let you do that.

After many minutes of listening to your cries, Hoodie seemed to have had enough. No longer caring if you recoiled from his touch, he grabbed you by your arm and pulled you to your feet. You yelped at the sudden movement and tried to rip your arm out of his grip, but he didn't let you. His hold only tightened and you could feel the new feeling of coldness seeping from his hidden glare. He seemed mad, and you couldn't seem to figure out why.

You were the one who had lost everything. You were the one who had been forced to kill your friends. Not him. So why couldn't he just understand that? But as you continued to try and escape his grasp, his grip kept on getting stronger. Now it hurt, and it felt like if he added any more pressure your arm would snap.

"L-Let me go!" You screamed in both pain and now fear. You had stopped being so afraid of him long ago, and now that were again it felt so much worse.

"Shut up." He seethed as he began dragging you away from the field and the corpse of Jade. You were hurt in more ways than one, but Hoodie's behavior just seemed to intensify things. Your sobs made your lungs ache and at this point, your throat burned. You were in so much pain, and it seemed like Hoodie didn't even care. But did he ever care? The thought hurt you more than you cared to admit, but you couldn't help but wonder if this had all been an act. An act just so he could gain your trust and win.

Then a thought you never wanted to think about again made you pause. Did that mean he was going to kill you after all? To this you fought him even more, your tugs turning into hits at his hands. You didn't want to die, not now at least. Not after all of the shit you had to go through. He couldn't do this to you.

Only, you knew he could, and as he walked out in front of the house and stopped, you knew that was exactly what he was going to do. He pushed you down onto your hands and knees before pulling you up so that you were just kneeling. Tears streamed down your flushed cheeks as you muttered that you didn't want to die.

He stood behind you silently, his fists balled. But then you heard the shuffling of fabric, and you knew that he had drawn his gun. It was silent for a long few moments. Was he hesitating?

Though you couldn't see it, the gun was shaking in his hand and a deep frown was on his lips. He was hesitating. Maybe he didn't want to kill you. But then why?

Your crying never slowed as his finger hovered over the trigger. He was going to kill you. After all of this, after all of the time you'd spent with him, after the feelings you'd strangely developed for him, after the feelings you'd hoped he returned, he was going to kill you. And there was nothing you could do about it.

Your heart ached as you finally realized that he had never cared about you. He had lied straight to your face after all. It had only ever been manipulation, and if it had ever been more than that, he didn't care enough to not shove those feelings down.

"...I'm sorry, Y/N." And with those final words, he pulled the trigger and your body fell forward, limp and lifeless.


Sorry this is so short lol, I'm lazy. But yeah, here's the first ending 😌😌

2 pages · 714 words

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