Chapter 99: Little Tangyuan!

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Liang Han went to pick up the child, and Zhang Qingzhu prepared everything the child needed at home, diapers and clothes, food, etc., and they prepared a lot in the past few days. He also specially went to ask his mother for advice on how to take care of the child, and after learning Zhang Qingzhu felt that he had no problem raising a child at all.

When Xiaoshi came back from school, he was also very curious about the little baby: "Uncle Xiaozhu, Uncle Liang went to pick up the little baby, when can he come back?"

Because Liang Han and Zhang Qingzhu told Xiaoshi in advance that they would adopt a little brother for him in the future, so that someone would play with him in the future. Liang Han also sketched out for him a beautiful picture of a little bun softly calling his brother behind him, telling him how interesting it would be to have a little brother. Therefore, Little Stone does not have any feelings of rejection about their adoption.

Moreover, Liang Han is more fortunate that they now live in the city. If you still live in the village, there will definitely be some villagers jokingly saying to Xiaoshi, "Collect another little doll, Uncle Liang, they won't be as good to you as they used to be" or "This doll will take half of your family wealth in the future".

Adults just think they're just a fluttering joke, but sometimes children take it seriously.

Therefore, seeing that Xiaoshi accepted the matter of multiple little dolls at home so easily, Liang Han and Zhang Qingzhu were quite pleased. After all, adopting another child is also hoping that Xiaoshi will have a company and brothers to help him in the future. If you make the little stone sad and upset, or even ruin the character, then put the cart before the horse.

Zhang Qingzhu told him, "I should be back in the middle of the afternoon." It was said that it was more than 30 miles away, and it would eat there at noon. When you come back from school, you can see the baby.

Xiaoshi was quite looking forward to it. Such a little doll, I'm going to call him brother in the future. Xiao Shun of the second grandfather's family never called him brother. That's someone's doll, and you can't do it without calling him. But his own doll must be called his brother: "Uncle Xiaozhu, will the little baby look good with Aunt Liu's doll?"

Zhang Qingzhu knew who Aunt Liu was in Xiaoshi's mouth, her children were very well-raised, white and fat, especially gratifying. Of course, he hopes that the child will grow so well, but from the actual situation, it is unlikely that the child will be raised so well.

Zhang Qingzhu didn't want to tell Xiaoshi how cruel the truth was, and it was better for the child not to know too much of this bad thing, so he said, "I don't know." Even if he doesn't look good, it's okay, let's raise him well, and he will definitely be able to raise white and fat.

This little stone believes very much, their guys eat well, and they will definitely be able to raise the little doll very well. It's as strong as yourself, well, it's still white and tender like Yunyun.

"Then let's raise him well." The raised ones are better looking than Aunt Liu's dolls. Little Stone asked again, "Did you name him?"

Zhang Qingzhu said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Xiaoshi immediately said with great interest: "Then can you call him a little bun?"

Zhang Qingzhu smiled and asked, "Why are you called little buns?"

Xiaoshi said his reason: "How good is the bun white and fat." My name is Little Stone, his name is Little Bun, and I am a brother when I hear it. He thought it was nice to call Little Bun, but that's the name he'd been thinking about all morning.

Zhang Qingzhu nodded in agreement: "Well, it's not bad to call it a little bun." Then deliberately said, "In fact, the rice balls are also white and tender, and they are very sweet." 

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