Chapter 70: There is a shop for sale!

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Warm spring day, breakfast time.

Zhang Qingzhu took the Yuqian nest head and ate it, with Liang Han's sour and spicy radish strips to their family, the taste was particularly good: "Mother, Liang Han's pickled radish strips are really delicious, crisp, and very good." I'll ask him how he did it, and we'll pickle a few jars to eat in the next year, right?

Zhang Qingfu smiled and said, "Even if our family pickles turnips, you won't be able to eat them at that time."

"Why can't I eat?" Thinking that I was going to marry Liang Han on May 26, I naturally couldn't eat when I wasn't at home, but: "Even if I go to Liang Han's house, I can often go home in the future." The two villages are so close that it doesn't take much time to go back and forth. You'll have to leave me a bed."

Zhang Qingyuan didn't think so: "You are married to him, and you can still let you go back to your mother's house so diligently." Think beautiful of you.

Zhang Qingzhu was proud: "I want to come back, he can't control me." You keep me a bed, and I can come back and live there often.

Fang Rong laughed, but didn't say anything. Ordinary people don't like their daughters-in-law to go back to their mother's house, and Liang Han should not be happy for his daughter-in-law to go back to her mother's house even if he likes Xiaozhu again. Seeing Xiaozhu so happy, she would not say anything disappointing. Teach him when he is married.

Wang Shi asked him, "Are you still looking for Liang Han today?"

Father Zhang said, "Even if you can meet casually now, don't run too hard." Be gossiped about again.

Zhang Qingzhu didn't care too much: "It's all right, I'm a kid who is not afraid of what they say." And I told Liang Han that he would take Xiao Shi into the city to study in a private school today, and let me accompany him.

Father Zhang was a little surprised: "Liang Han wants to send the child he picked up to a private school to study?"

Zhang Qingzhu nodded, "Yes." He said that the little stone was not small, and it was time to go to the private school. They are all seven years old and can't play crazy in the village anymore.

Zhang Qingfu asked curiously, "Is Liang Han going to adopt Xiao Shi?" 

"Yeah. The little stone kid is fine, and I like it too. Liang Han said that he did not want to have children in his step-clan and thought that they were the children who robbed others. And the child's biological parents live in the village, and he feels awkward. "Zhang Qingzhu didn't think too much about the child's problem, and felt that the little stone was very good, since it was not his own child, he would be more willing to raise the small stone," he also said, if the clan opposed, we would accept him as a righteous son. Or raise as a son. Father Zhang instructed: 

"The child's business is not a trivial matter. At that time, we must consult with the Liang clan chief, otherwise it will not be good for the child.

Zhang Qingzhu looked unconcerned, and said while eating: "Well, he has thought about all this." And there is his uncle, who will give him a trick.

Wang: "His little uncle is not bad, you went to the Liang family to get along with their family." With the help of your elders, your life will be smoother.

"Oh." Zhang Qingzhu is not worried about these, Uncle Liang's family is good to Liang Han, and his heart is not bad, and getting along should not be a problem.

After eating breakfast, Zhang Qingfu gave Zhang Qingzhu some money when he was about to go out: "Since you went to the city, let's stop by and buy some flower thread to come back." "Their Muppet business is not very good, so the time to go out of the stall has been changed to once every five days, but the good guys can still make some money."

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