Chapter 18: Uncle and Nephew Consultation!

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The next day, the chicken chirping sounded, and Liang Han quickly woke up. Thinking of today's trip, he immediately got up to wash up, then locked several doors and rushed to Uncle Liang's house.

When I came to the door of Uncle Liang's house, the other party's yard was closed, at this time the sky was not yet light, and the stars in the sky were still very clear. Liang Han looked up at the sky, of course, before he found out that there were no Big Dipper Seven Stars. I feel a little embarrassed to argue with people so early.

He slammed the door a few times: "Uncle, I am Liang Han, I have come to lead the donkey cart." Listening to the fact that there was no movement inside, Liang Han slapped it a few times, raised his voice and shouted, "Uncle, I am Liang Han." After a while, Uncle Liang's still sleepy voice came out: "Listen, you wait a while, I will get up."

Liang Han heard the response and waited at the door. Early in the morning, the weather was cold, and his hands were freezing his ears, so he put his hands into his sleeves, thinking that after a while he would have to make a pair of gloves and make a hat to wear.

After waiting for a while to see Uncle Liang come out, Liang Han reached out and took the rope that tied the donkey and said to Uncle Liang: "Uncle, you go back to the house, I am leaving."
Uncle Liang took the whip to catch the car and said to Liang Han, "I'll go with you."

"Huh?" Liang Han did not expect that the other party would actually go with him, which was a little inconvenient. He put the grain and everything in the space first. After thinking about it, I felt that I couldn't refuse Uncle Liang to follow, otherwise I wouldn't necessarily doubt what good things I would do. Just let him follow, for convenience, you have to tell the other party that he wants to do the bean sprout business. He thought about it and talked about it later on the way there.

"Uncle, you wait at the entrance of the village first, and I will lead the donkey cart to the house to pull wheat." Liang Han suggested.

When Uncle Liang saw that he did not object, he also had the bottom in his heart, and felt that his mother-in-law and children were a little careful, and said: "I just know that Xiao Han can't harm anyone who harms me, can't I?" He smiled and said to Liang Han, "Well, I'll wait for you at the mouth of the village." Liang Han led the donkey in his own direction, and when he reached a hidden place around the corner, he took out the grain and a quilt in the space and the vegetable cake that he had prepared for the

road this morning, and then led the donkey to the mouth of the village.

Liang Han saw Uncle Liang and said to him, "Uncle, you take the car, I'll catch the car." "He himself has no experience in catching a car, but he has the memory of the original owner and thinks that he has no problem catching the car."

Seeing Uncle Liang get into the car, Liang Han said to him: "I brought a quilt, Uncle you cover some more, you can sleep later." There were vegetable cakes in the basket, so if you were hungry, eat them, and it was still hot.
Uncle Liang lifted the cloth on the basket and glanced inside: "You also made a dish cake, how early did you get up?"

Liang Han sat on the car, turned to him and said, "This was done yesterday, I got up hot in the morning, thinking about eating when I went to the county seat."
Uncle Liang took a bite of it and praised: "Well, it tastes good."

Liang Han smiled, sat down, and waved his whip in the air: "Frame." The donkey cart began to walk slowly.

Uncle Liang ate the vegetable cake, covered with a quilt, and leaned on the wheat bag, which was very comfortable. He was very interested in eating while nagging Liang Han: "Little Han, tell your uncle, what are you going to send to that Zhang Qingzhu?"

Liang Han thought to himself, "Let's just talk about it now." After thinking about the words in his heart, he said to Uncle Liang: "Uncle, I really don't want to send him anything." I came up with an idea to make money.
Uncle Liang was deeply surprised: "What idea to make money?" He really wanted to say, "What kind of money-making ideas can you think of, net nonsense." After all, although he often protected this nephew, he also knew that Liang Han was a person and a person who did not do serious things.

Liang Han naturally did not know the true thoughts of Uncle Liang's heart, so he continued: "It is also unexpected to say, I inadvertently made bean sprouts a few days ago. I thought, this big winter, everyone will order winter vegetables to eat, if you can make bean sprouts to sell, you will definitely be able to make money. "

What! Are you making bean sprouts coming? Uncle Liang was very surprised, "On such a cold day, how can the beans still sprout?"

"I haven't fully figured out how to sprout sprouts yet, but I have a vague idea, thinking that as long as I think about it, I will definitely be able to make it." I thought about going to the city to buy some tanks to use, and I had to buy some soybeans.

In fact, he did not send bean sprouts by hand, but he had seen others do it, and he knew the approximate steps, so he had to try it, but he felt that the possibility of success was very high, so he said to Uncle Liang: "When I figure it out, this business uncle can also do it."
Uncle Liang smiled, "You boy, this is not a matter of shadows." However, if you can really send out the bean sprouts, you may be able to make money. Then he earnestly taught: "You are also not too old, and you are a rare person Zhang Qingzhu, you have to save money well, otherwise you will take what to hire and what to do for the banquet."

Liang Han nodded and said, "Well, uncle, I know." In his heart, he thought, "I should have nothing to do with him when I make money."
Uncle Liang was also very excited when he thought of the sprouts, and he thought in his heart that if this thing really happened, his nephew would also have a serious thing to do. If he could really save a sum of money, he would go to the Zhang family to hire and solve Liang Han's marriage as soon as possible, which was also a matter of his heart.

Uncle Liang asked with great concern: "How many calculations do you have in mind about this bean sprout?"

Liang Han thought about it and said to him, "Eighty percent, I feel like I can do it."

As soon as he heard that he was so confident, Uncle Liang was very happy: "Good! If it is done, it is a great thing! You will have a money-making business in the future, and your father and mother can rest assured that they have knowledge underground. If it can be done, it must be your father and mother who are bless you.

Liang Han smiled, didn't say anything, and thought in his heart: "The original lord has gone down to find his father's mother, and their family is also reunited." Just this is a word that no one in my life can tell.

Uncle Liang was excited in his heart, so he kept asking Liang Han's plan: "Do you think about how to do business in the future?" "Although things haven't shadowed yet, I still can't help but think about it."

Liang Han said: "After thinking about it, I thought about either going to the city to sell or pulling it around the villages." However, most of the people in the village still have some winter vegetables to eat, and they should not be able to sell much. However, when the winter vegetables are consumed in the next year and there are no vegetables growing in the field, the bean sprouts should be easy to sell at that time. After all, there are many ways to eat bean sprouts, stir-frying, strips, salty soup and so on. That is, when the time comes, what price to sell has not yet been thought out, thinking about waiting for the bean sprouts to be sent, calculate the cost, and then price the money. 

"Well, just have an idea in mind." When the time comes, if you are too busy, the uncle will help you sell.

Liang Han smiled and said, "If you really send out bean sprouts, the uncle's family will also do this business." Uncle Liang refused: "Then what is Cheng, this is the idea you came up with, in case you accidentally leak out, how can you make money?"

Liang Han didn't care much and said, "It's okay, this method is also simple, sooner or later it will be scattered." I just want to make a fortune before everyone can figure it out. Uncle naturally don't miss this opportunity to make money. Don't say much, you can earn this winter. "He does not underestimate the wisdom of the working people, there was no before, but everyone thinks that it cannot be done, some people have done it, and when they see the possibility, someone can always figure out the method."

Uncle Liang thought for a moment and said, "If you let me do it, I will do it all at your house." After all, if this thing really happens, it will definitely be eye-catching, and it will be safer in your home.

Liang Han felt that it was also the original owner's past deeds, even if he could make money with red eyes, no one dared to climb over the wall of his courtyard.

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