19. Experiments

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“Yes Runa. How’s Kankuro?”

“He is doing well ma’am.”

“Did you check all the parameters?”

“Yes ma’am. Everything is in the normal range.”

“Good. What about Gaara?”

“Umm you released him this morning ma’am!”

She lift up her head to look at her subordinate “Did I? Oh sorry Runa. I forgot.”

“ma’am, if you don’t mind. I think you should go home and take rest too. It’s been two days since you are here at the hospital. Don’t worry about Mr. Kankuro. We are here to take care of him until you come.”

“Yeah but he is still not in a stable position.”

“If anything happen we will definitely contact you first ma’am. But at this moment you need to take rest too.”

It’s been two days since the incident at the hotel. Kankuro is out of danger now and she of all people knows better that he is much more stable than a normal IV patient. This is not the true reason of her being at the hospital. She is just trying to avoid the questions as much as she can that she knows is waiting for her at the home.

She sighed. It cannot be avoided forever. He deserves the truth. “Ok. Do let me know if anything happen. Progress or deterioration both. Do not forget.”

“I won’t.”

She smile “Good.”

“One more thing ma’am. Mr. Uzumaki and Mr. Uchiha is here at the research lab. They wanted to know if you are willing to come home today. Want me to relay them about your departure?”

She knows why they are here at the lab. But this is not the right place to discuss all this. She rubbed her forehead with the fingers thinking of a solution “umm.. tell them I was too tired and went home beforehand. Will meet them there.”

“OK ma’am” she bowed and left.
She needs to organize her thought before telling them the truth.

@The lab

“What did you say?” Naruto asked the doctor in-charge.

“That they are the lab rats too. The subject named Deidara was a mind controlled ticking bomb according to Jiraya sir. You see normally our nervous system controls our body movements. But after the postmortem we find out that his system controls the body parts even if you separate them from the main body.”

“What!?” Naruto and Sasuke exclaimed in unison.

“Yes. That includes his hair, nails and teeth too. Meaning, every bomb he made is out of these things. And he himself controls his nervous system.”

“What kind of a psychic experiment is this!” Sasuke exclaimed. But they know what that psycho scientist can do to continue his human experiment.

“He must have been experimented on from the day of his birth to grow this extent of control over his nerves.”
They looked at the doctor unbelievably. Too shocked to respond.

“Don’t know whether to be sympathize or hate them.” Naruto said in a monotonous tone.

“Oh this is nothing if you hear about the 2nd one.”

They look at the doctor.

The doctor continues “normally we have two types of blood vessel right? Arteries and veins. These muscle tube are being used for carrying blood in our body. But this Sasori person has a third type which carries venom.” They looked at each other shockingly. “A deadliest one. One drop and a person may die within five to ten minutes. It contiguous too. And the pain throughout the body is unbearable for the affected person.”

“Then what about the person carrying it?” Sasuke asked.

“I think Sasori is immune to the venom just like Dr Haruno.”

“Sakura?” Naruto looked at the doctor and then to Sasuke.

“Didn’t you know?”

They both shake their head. “No”

“I’m sorry then. I cannot tell you further.”

Naruto was about to ask something but Sasuke stopped him. “it’s OK doctor.”
Naruto didn’t pushed that topic further but something else was bugging him anyway. Sakura’s presence at the field. But he asked the doctor instead “May we see those bodies please.”

“Sure.” She asked them to follow him to a different room.

Their bodies were covered in white clothes.

“Before removing those clothes I would like to say that the faces were already unrecognizable when being brought. So be prepared to see something unwanted.” she looked at them. “Are you sure you still want to see?”

They nodded.

“OK then.” The doctor removed the clothes from their face.

At the first look both of them move their eyes to elsewhere. Then looked again after stabilization.

The bodies don’t have any drop of blood. Deidara’s head was crushed and there was a mark of fist in his entire head. Gaara hold his head and crushed under his fist. There just a lump of his head remains. In case of Sasori, someone mercilessly broke or say dusted off all his bone and crushed his facial portion of the skull into his head. It is visibly clear that whomever did this did it with his/her bare hand. In just one punch. Brutal force. Either the person has monstrous strength or have immense amount of hatred towards this person.

‘Kankuro doesn’t have that much power. Besides he was poisoned by Sasori. Sasuke? No. Sasuke doesn’t fight like that. If it was him, Sasori would have cut into two. Then who?’ Naruto thought to himself “Thanks Sizune. We will take your leave now.” They nod and get out of the lab.

“Please tell me I’m thinking wrong, Sas.”

“I’m afraid not.”

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