5. Closer than you think

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“mmm.." it’s dark. She hates dark.

‘Wait! Where the hell am I! And where the fucking clothes of mine!??’

Suddenly everything comes flooding in to her memory. ‘Someone just opened the door and I don’t remember anything afterwards. No it’s not paining down there. Guess I got saved by the person!’

A set of clothes and her bag is lying beside her bed. Without a second thought she starts putting on her clothes and the contract lenses, of course. ‘Nobody should see these eyes.’

Finally she look around her surroundings. A male room. But the smell.. ‘intoxicating.. may be..!’

‘But this guy must have something for the color orange! So childish!’ a smile crept on her lips. ‘cute'.

‘Come on hina! Don’t be a stoking pervert’ she slapped her cheecks. “Ouch! Man that hurts.”

‘I should leave now. Else the old hag will just more pisses me off. And I’m off limit today.’

Closing the door behind she whipped her head feeling someone’s presence behind. No it’s not Michael. Instead a blonde is standing there.

For a moment she thought.. but he has brown eyes. And some whisker like marks!! ‘brutal! Did someone do that to him!?’ She suddenly got a urge to touch it.

She did touch it! She touched his cheek! And stroke his marks too!!

‘What the hell!’

Both of them widen their eyes on the sudden impact.

‘God Hina, what gotten into you today!! Pull yourself together right now.’ She scolded herselfand.

“oh my god! OH MY GOD!! I’m so sorry! Don’t know what I was thinking! Just saw your cut marks on the cheeks and thought something must have happened to you. And then there’s a urge to touch them. And I touched them without a second thought..and..and..I should just stop now..” and there she is, just a babbling mess.

‘Seesh Hina you are so embarrassing!’ She mentally facepalmed.

Naruto on the other hand stood there like a statue. First her beauty and then her touch. Just awestruck!

‘Stop staring at her!! Your heart belongs to Hinata and Hinata only.’ He told himself. But then againa 'she looks eerie familiar. But her eyes..so unfamiliar..and.. sad!! Why?’

“ermm.." he clears his throat "it’s ok. Don’t worry. What’s your name?”

“Thanks. It’s Hi..err..Hinako. Hinako Nakamura. You?” well he is a bigshot after all to afford this hotel room. And a Japanese too. He must have known about the Hyuga clan. She cannot take the risk to reveal her name.

Naruto knew she was lying about her name. But why!? In that case “Hi. I’m Ken Yamamoto. So how’s you feeling now? You were in pretty bad shape if you asked me. I just called my doc. She is on her way here. So don’t worry.”

‘Crap! I can’t stay long. Have to reach home ASAP. Don’t have much time left. Else mrs. Keith will..’

“thanks but no need. I’m all ok now, thanks to you. There’s no pain at all.” Liar “You see I have to go now. Will catch you later Mr. Yamamoto. Bye.”

Grabbing her backpack she just ran off to home. Or so called home!

And Naruto! Just stood there. What happened was too sudden for him to process anyway.

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