15. The battle begins

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“Who was the bet? Itachi asked as soon as they entered Gaara’s cabin.

This is probably the biggest office room in the building as an entire floor is occupied. It divided into three parts. A corridor, an office and hidden bedrooms behind the glass door with attached bathrooms and balcony. The office room contains 3 desk with chairs probably for the three siblings, a sofa set, a tea table, a TV, a coffee maker and a small refrigerator in the corner. There’s also a cc TV monitor attached at the upper left corner of the room projecting the entire corridor from different angles.

They all resided on the sofas. Gaara got a bit off guard hearing Itachi’s questions. He was surprised. Then again this is Itachi for heaven’s sake.

He smiled “Me.”

“And I presume it was Pops ideas from the beginning?”
“you got me boy.” Jiraya chuckled nervously at his eldest grandson.

“You know right that if Naruto finds out about this he will kill you?” Itachi wasn’t pleased either. But he kept silent as the Akatsuki took the bet and decided to come out. However this method was way too risky.

“That’s why nobody should know. Please” Gaara requests them.

“I won’t tell them but if they asked directly I have to answer. Sorry Gaara but I cannot lie to my brothers.” Itachi said firmly.

“I understand. At least till the mission is over.” Gaara looked at him expectantly.

Itachi nodded but didn’t say anything.

“Ahem! Gaara, I think we should go get ready ourselves too. It’s getting late.” Kakashi reminded him.

He nodded and stands up.

“We will be at the control room. If anything happens, will send the backups and you will be out of there in no time. Just don’t do anything unless the ball is in your court. OK?” Jiraya told the two boys.

“Got it.” Gaara said.

Kakashi nodded and both left.

“After this you will talk to them.” Itachi said indicating Jiraya.

He looked at him for a brief moment. Then smiled “I will.”

“I think we should get going too.” Shikamaru said.

Rest of the team left for their designated position.

@the gadget room

“What’s up Sas?” Naruto asked

No answer


Sasuke was a bit absent-minded. “yes? Did you asked something?”

“Yeah! What are you thinking?”

“Something is off Naru. They are not telling us something.”

Naruto was too upset with the news to notice anything wrong. “what is it?”

Sasuke didn’t reply. Instead he focused on Kankuro “How did they find out about the whereabouts of the Akatsuki members Kankuro? We were trying this for ages. And suddenly they popped up here out of nowhere! This is not a coincidence. So what are they hiding?”

Kankuro looked up. “How would I know! I just came to know about this a few minutes before you arrived. So I know as much as you know.” This question bugging him too but he is calm and composed. You cannot go to a battle with stressed mind. So he just let it off.
“Sas, I think this is not the time for this conversation. We will think of it after. Now our main priority is the succession of the mission. Let’s focus on that.” Naruto stated.

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