17. Nightmare of the sand

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"Calm down Gaara. You are outside the building now. Everybody is watching. If you get out of control here not only your cover will get exposed but also these people may get hurt."

'I can here Kakashi san's voice out of the earpiece. But it's too late now. This piece of shit inside me, that they put in, is screaming in rage. They are loathing it to come out. I can't control it anymore.'

"then get them out of here right now."

"We are on to it but you cannot emptied a whole hotel full of people at once without even telling them the whole truth!" Kakashi got frustrated with the situation. They could have do this sooner but in that way these Akatsuki fellows may have got warned and there was a chance that the whole mission got failed. Besides Gaara cannot control his beast like Naruto does. If this goes on he has to call for the backups. But he also promised Itachi that he won't let them loose. This is indeed frustrating and thank God he decided to come.

"Gaara, please try to control it for at least 5 minutes. Control your emotions. Don't let him provoke you."

Gaara didn't response but Kakashi can feel his assurance.

"Don't worry we have started the fire alarm. It's getting cleared fast."

"hurry" that's the only thing Gaara could say.

'I have to hold you in just for 5 minutes. Please wait.'

"Ohhhh..so little Gaara trying to hold back. haaaa.." Deidara started to punch him. He is too fast to even comprehend his movements. "and you think you can win this battle without his help?" he started to laugh.

Every cell in his body trying control it. 'just few more minutes'. Deidara's mocking tone isn't helping a bit. The beast is furious.


"Like I would listen to you!" Deidara teased him "your own beast never did that either remember?" he laughed maniacally "or is it too weak to come out? You don't even need my full strength to be defeated nephew of Sasori."

That snapped the little consciousness Gaara had out of him.

"I'm sorry Kakashi San..." that's the only thing Gaara could utter before he completely zoned out.

"Gaara nooooo..." but the connection already got cut off before Kakashi could say anything. 'shit..I have to go and help him but there is still some people left to leave the building. Damn it. I'm sorry Gaara but you have to wait a little longer.'

The beast fully took over Gaara's body by that time. The nightmare of the dessert. The sand beast. That is Gaara's inner demon. The Shukaku. Born from the poisoned cell Oruchimaru had implanted in him.

"My my..! test subject-1 has finally been emerged. Fascinating." Deidara smiled. Anyone can see the pleasure in his expression. "I'm starting to fire up now."

Shukaku was calm. Gaara is still fighting for his consciousness. Trying to take control over his body and the beast too.

It's happening so fast. Explosives are started to explore one after another. Yeah that's his specialty. Deidara of the Akatsuki. He can make violent explosives in the size of a small rice grain. Or even smaller. So like you can carry thousands of it anywhere. These are so powerful that a thousand of this can destroy a whole city in a second. But there's only one trick. Not a single one can explore without the command of Deidara. Not a verbal command, but these are controlled by Deidara's mind only. Not only that, but everything he wears is a mind controlled explosive. He fused his entire belongings with that. So if only a handful of rice grain sized bomb can blow up an ten storay building then what will happen if he activates his current belongs? The whole city will perished in an instant along with himself.

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