6. The planning

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“..and you let her go!”

“It’s not like I could have stopped her anyway Sakura! She is not a child You know.” Naruto stated in frustration.

“Oi you two, how long you gonna bicker about that?” Sasuke peeped in between.

“Shut up!”

“Shut up!”

Both attacked at once.

“Whatever..” he retreats.

“So Naruto, how’s the contact lenses going so far? Is it irritating?” Sakura ask concerning “is it serving the purpose you asked for? Itachi told me everything and asked me to look after you. But seriously you two are really a handful.”

“Well that nii-san for you!” both the boys sighed in unison. “It's doing great actually as for the purpose you are concern about. But the vison is a little blurry. You need to check on that. And why the hell nii-San made this brown anyway? I mean come-on, my blue one are the sexiest of all. Hinata would have recognized me from the farthest” he complains crossing his arms pumping his lips playfully.

“Now now Naruto don’t be a spoiled brat. You know the very reason of changing your eye color and cover your scars with makeup. We can’t let the blue beast’s hide out reveal to everyone in a foreign country. Kakashi nii isn’t here either. I cannot take the risk of releasing two demon at the same time who were literally be chasing by a group of psychopaths. God why the hell am I babysitting these two again!??” the last one was for her of course. She sighed really hard. “what about you honey?”

“Hey why the hell Sas isn’t wearing any??”

“Cause I wear red at the time of need you idiot. Besides I’m wearing wigs while going outside anyway” Sasuke answer irritably.

Suddenly there’s a chill run down through his spine. Gulping fearfully, Naruto looked behind over his shoulder and there she is. In his eyes a real demon standing in front of him ready to murder any time soon.

“Stop complaining!” Sakura said in a cold demonic voice.

“Y..yes ma’am!” he said immediately closing in to Sasuke.

“Now where was I?” she ask sweetly to the boys.

‘Damn she can be really scary some times.’ Sasuke thought to himself, dare not say anything out loud. “Well I guess its perfect, not facing any problem so far. But it’s a bit itchy. May be for the new improvement. Can you guys fixed it?”

“I’ll relay this to Itachi. Let’s see what we can do. Weaponizing a contact lens is really tough. It’s like we are imposing every technology into that small one. You sure you guys can handle it properly?” Sakura asks concernly.



Both stated in unison.

Sighed “fine. Though I’m still not convinced you guys should use that. But if you are ok then I’ll take the bait. Anyway don’t forget to practice. I’ve talked to Gaara about this and he is arranging a training hall for you two. In the mean time shikamaru is coming to your aid. He will help me with those lenses. Guess Itachi is really serious about this too to send his genius here. Well he will also help you with your training too. He and Gaara's sister, Temari.”

Both the boys nodded in agreement.

“what are the progression report Sas?” asked Naruto.

“All of our men planted accordingly. They are continuously following every movement of them" Sasuke stated chewing his nails.

“How many are they?” she is anxious.

“Three in here.” he is calm.

‘How can you be so calm at a time like this Naruto?’ “will you boys be alright?”

“Don’t worry Sakura. It’s what we are best at. Besides we are waiting for this moment for 10 years now. Every training every planning, we can’t let them go in vein. They must pay the price for the hell they made for us. So don’t think much Sakura. We won’t die to fulfil their wishes.” Sasuke reassures her with a calm face.

“If you say so. Promise me to take care of yourself. Both of you. I won’t forgive you either if you die on me.” She tried to calm herself down too.

“We promise.”

“We promise.”

“You better be" she said under her breath. “anyway, what will you do about Hinata, Naruto? How will you planning to find her? She was just seven when she left Konoha and me & Sasuke never saw her either.”

“That cause this idiot wants to keep herself to him only. As if we will snatched her from him.” Sasuke is literally pissed off now. Well he always been.

“Hey I remember her face!” Naruto tried to convince them.

“Yeah right! She was just a child back then. 15 years Naruto! Face it, you cant recognize a 22 years old girl whom you saw at the age of 7. Whom you kidding? So tell me the damn plan now.” Sakura smashed him with the reality.

“I can recognize those eyes anywhere anytime Sakura.” Naruto stated sadly.

“I’m sorry” she really is.

“It’s ok. Don’t worry.” He smiled at her “I’ve recruited Yamato to this job. He is the best we can have.”

“So what’s  the progression?” Sasuke got a bit excited now with the conversation hearing that

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“So what’s  the progression?” Sasuke got a bit excited now with the conversation hearing that.

“Well he found her old home.”

“Old home!? What do you mean Naru?” he asked his bestfriend. A little anxious now.

“Mmm.. her father died a year ago. So she moved out. Yamato fixed a meeting with her old neighbours there. Let’s see what we can gather from them. Hopefully it will be useful.” He smiled with a glint of sadness in his eyes.

And that’s what Sasuke hates the most. “when will be the meeting? I’m coming with you.” he speaks in an instant.

“Me too" Sakura stated firmly

Naruto can’t stop but smiling at them with the warmth in the air.

But still he can't stop worrying.

'...Hinata..where are you?'

where are you?'

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