Chapter 31 : Satisfaction [EP 8]

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Dick Grayson's POV :

Gotham City
March 20, 8:35 EDT

I made sure to not move my chest, where Elyse's head lay, as I reached over to my nightstand and looked at the clock. Eight thirty-two and I sill haven't slept a blink.

I slid a pillow under Elyse's head so I was able to slide out of bed so she barley stirred. I grabbed the garbage can from the bathroom and placed all of Elyse's tear stained tissues, making sure to pick the ones out of the bed and the ones folded within the blankets.

I'm completely numb. Maybe from the cold that hit my bare chest or maybe from the feeling of guilt that stuck me everytime I looked at Elyse.

My heart sank as she rolled over in bed, but her eyes didn't open which made me set the trash can down before walking to the kitchen of Elyse's apartment. Just as I opened the fridge, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I walked out onto the balcony.

"How's Elyse?" Wally asked from the other line.

"Sleeping." I pushed my brown hair back, admiring the slowly rising sunrise.

"And you?"

"Not sleeping"

"Dick" Wally sounded stern, as if he was mad at me. But I guess he was.

"It's fine. She'll learn of the plan and then be on board. We needed to keep this underwraps, a need to know basis."

"Look man, all I said was your name. To me you feel guilty"

"I'm lying to my girlfriend," I hissed. "Of course I feel guilty."

Elyse Vander's POV :

Mount Justice
March 20, 10:20 EDT

"Where are you going?" Dick asks from the couch in the living room, his eyes on my blood stained suit I was wearing.

"Out." I replied, pulling my arrows into my quiver.

"Elyse. Maybe we take the day off, okay?" Dick places a hand on my arm.

"You can." I shrugged before walking to the window I usually made my escape out of.

"Elyse. You're not going." He gritts his teeth, his jaw audibly cracking. Dick's eyes search mine for any sign that I might back down but I don't, he sees that. "I'm coming with you."

"You won't like where I'm going"

"Elyse" He seems to read my mind. "Elyse, no. Aquaman is searching-"

"That's not good enough." I gritted my teeth.

"Come on. Stay, they'll search"

"Why should I stay while Aquaman is searching?"

"He wasn't as close with Artemis like we were, you need a day off. We'll go see Wally."

As much as I wanted to see Wally that was the opposite direction of where I wanted to go.


"I'm so sorry, Elyse" Dick whispers before sticking his hand into his pocket and stabbing a syringe into my arm. I look down to see a slightly yellow liquid being injected into me.

"Y-you tranq'ed me" I sputter before falling into Dick's arms.

"Sorry, baby" He says before the world goes dark as I close my eyes.

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