Chapter 2- Fireworks [EP 2]

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I stood in front of Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. My body rigid. I couldn't move. I was under some sort of spell. What the hell? My vision was blurry. 

"What? What do you want? Quit staring. You're creeping me out" Kid Flash yelled at the Clone who was standing on my left, also unmoving.

"Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Robin said looking over at him.

"Archer?" Aqualad looked at me. I wanted to speak. I wanted to run. I wanted to break them out of their restraints. I wanted to crawl out of here. An eerie ringing filled my head, my ears in pain as the noise persisted. 

"She's one of them?" Kid Flash asked looking at Robin. No. No, I'm not, I think. I wanted to scream.

"She's Project Archer. In the files, there was a failed experiment. An assassin, she got apprehended by the League" Robin said. I couldn't focus.

What they were saying, I couldn't hear. I just froze. I kept my eyes glued to each of them in turn, my arms behind my back, like I was some sort of soldier. I suppose I was. 

You must stand at attention. You are Project Archer. You are a weapon.

I'm not sure how much time had passed because when I looked at them, the Clone was speaking:

"I am the Superboy. A genomorph. A clone made from the DNA of the Superman. Created to replace him should he perish. To destroy him should he turn from the Light" He said.

"And your friend? Project Archer?" Robin asked. The Clone looked at me and nodded.

"I am Archer. I was created as a weapon, an assassin to those who have wronged the Light" I spoke. No. No. That's not what I wanted to say. Help me. Help me. That's what I wanted to say after I finished screaming, that stupid noise was making my ears ring. 

"Archer. It's us, you gotta help us" Robin spoke, his eyes softening under his mask...I wanted to hit the stupid weird aliens off the clone and my shoulders. They had to be doing this, right? And then my brain switched to a memory. A computer screen:

"Name, Richard John "Dick" Grayson. Alias: Robin. Age: 15. Birthday: December 1, 1996-" I read, my mind pushing out photos of files and faces.

"That's extremely creepy" KF whispered before looking over to Robin. "Your name is 'Richard'?" 

"No, it's an alias Batman set up" Robin replied but I knew he was lying.

Something tugged at my chest screaming at me that he was in fact a liar. I tried to move my hand but I couldn't. Liar. Liar. Liar. 

The words from my own lie detection was screaming at me, that stupid ringing, more images popping up in the back of my mind of computer screens and facts written on paper. Too much. All too much. I wanted to scream. 

"Arch. Let us help you" Aqualad said looking at me.

"Silence-" That word pushed itself through my body, my gloved fingers digging into my palms. I tried to look around but my eyes were glued ahead of me, straight on to Robin.

"" I whispered. The Clone looked at me, I returned his gaze just to lock eyes with the alien on his shoulder. Pain pushed its way through my body. My head felt like it was going to explode, voices and words mixing together to create some sort of talking hell. "It hurts" Was all I managed, a small pathetic whisper.

My palms pressed into my ears as if that would stop it. More pain began as I tried to raise my head.

"I swear to God if you hurt her!" Robin yelled at seemly no one.

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