Chapter 21 : Happy Birthday

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This chapter does not match any episode in Young Justice, this one is in my own making but it does match the story so enjoy :)

Mount Justice
December 28, 13:35

I set my copy of 'Sherlock Holmes' down on my nightstand as a beep over the overcomm system that tells me someone it at my door.

"Yes?" I asked before standing up.

"Hey" Dick walked in, a smile across his wide face. "Whatca up do?"

"Just reading" I said picking up the book and showing him before setting it back down on the table.

"Did you want lunch? It's one so I assumed.." He trailed off.

"Yeah. Let me change?" I asked, without waiting for an answer I walked into my closet and pulling off my black sweat pants and grey hoodie; replacing them with a pair of black jeans and a purple long sleeve.

"Can we make sushi? I think M'gann got nori last time she went to the store?" I inquired as I pulled on some black converse and a gold pendant necklace.

"Sure" He nods as I come back into my room, he's standing in the same spot. "Oh..." Dick reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. "I got you a birthday present...I know it's sorta late"

Dick is never nervous, why the heck would he start now?

I take the small box from him an smile before plopping myself onto the carpeted ground and unwrapping the messily placed blue ribbon that surrounded the white box.

"If you hate it we can go to the store and pick you out a new one...unless you want something completely dif-"

"I love it" I smiled as I held up a dainty gold ring either a flower stamp on it. "Thank you, It's my favorite birthday present I've ever gotten"
"I'm pretty sure that's the first gift you've gotten" He smirked as I stood up and pushed the ring onto my right index finger. "Shall we?"

"What do you want on your sushi?" I asked as we walked down the hallway. "I love a good tuna...or spam!"


I laughed as we turned the corner into the living room.

"If Wally didn't eat that avocado then I might-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Seemily everyone popped out from behind their perspective hiding places. Everyone was there: Wally, M'gann, Conner, Kaldur, Raquel, Zatanna and Artemis all smiled at me.

"Wow" I whispered looking around at the streamers that lined the ceiling along with the birthday balloons in the corrner and the pink birthday cone hats everyone was wearing.

"Do you like it?" Artemis asked as she put a hat onto my head.

"I've never had a birthday party before" I whispered as she led me to the large carrot cake on the kitchen bar.

"If your feeling anxious...that's normal" Artemis said as everyone surrounded me and the cake. "Ready for us to sing?" She asked as Conner began lighting the candles.

"Yeah" I smiled looking around at everyone.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ARCHER...." In the pause of the singing I found Dick's and thanked him with a silent 'thank you'. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU"

I clapped and smiled as I looked around at my friends. I was home, I slowly realized as Artemis told me to blow out my candles. I was home.

"Go on" M'gann said. I inhaled before blowing onto all of the small flickering flames, in one gust they where all gone.

"Yay!" Zatanna cheered from the back.

"M'gann will you cut it?" I asked looking to her, she seemed to beam as I asked her.

"Of course!" She hugged me before she turned around and began to cut the sheet cake.

"So how much do you hate me for lying to you?" Dick asked as I stepped back at watched as M'gann cut the cake with Conners help.

"It was justified lie" I decide after some careful consideration. "No need for hatred"

"Hey...Arc-" He began but I got distracted by white falling from the sky.

"ITS SNOWING!" I sqeauled before running to the window and watching ad small snowflakes fell from the sky and began sticking to the earth. "Can we go?" I looked at Artemis.

"I'll put the cake in the fridge" M'gann nodded.

"All right everyone the birthday girl is going outside, join us in the snow!" Wally announced as he zipped around. I rushed out the door, the wind chill hitting my face as my shoes crunched the frozen snow beneath me.

I giggled before flipping onto my back, my back soaked but I didn't care. Artemis and Dick flopped down next to me. Everyone seemed to crowd around me until we where all laying down and staring into the sky.

Best birthday ever.

The Other Archer | Dick Grayson ~Young Justice~ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ