Chapter 20 : Performance [EP 24]

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"Advanced weapons tech has said to be stolen at manufacturing plants throughout Europe. And each theft coincides with tour stops made by the Haly Circus. Batmans sending us undercover to catch the thieves" Dick said pointing to the plots on the hologram map.

I crossed my arms as I looked at the points. Artemis, M'gann, and Conner all had their eyes glued to the screen. Roy walked up behind Dick.

"This clown car have room for one more?" He asked with an unusual cheer of optimism.

"Uh...We've got this covered" Dick replied that's when Roy leaned it and said something he wanted no one else to hear. I pulled up a separate holo-screen and typed in 'Haly's Circus'.


Bruges : Haly's Circus
December 22, 20:08

"Welcome to the Haly International Traveling Circus!" Our Ringmaster yelled, spreading his arms. The crowd roared back in anticipation of the opening act. Us. I looked over at Dick, he was twenty feet away from me, on the other side of the tower; his hands on the trapeze bar.

"Where the world of the center ring is your oyster! And these are our latest pearls. The Daring Dangers!" He gestured to all of us, the bright light illuminated me. I put on a smile and waved at the crowd. "Dan Danger!" He called as Dick jumped off of his podium, his hands wrapped
tightly around the bar. "DJ Danger!"

Me. I jumped off the podium, gasping the trapeze bar tight as I flew through the air. We both let go at the same time, curling up and flipping through the air. "Dawn Danger!" M'gann with her tiprope.

"Diane Danger! Dane Danger!"
Artemis and Roy, our archers.

I reached the opposite bar, I pulled myself onto it so I was sitting instead of holding myself.

"And Dean Danger!" Conner with the barrels.

That was our queue, me and Dick both jumped as we swung back together, we compressed our bodies so we flew through the barrels Conner had just thrown up. Artemis and Roy's firework arrows burst as we both elongated our bodies so we reached the bar of our original side.

"You'll never see another trapeze act like this, folks! And all performed without a net!"

I flipped my body so the leg side of my knee was holding me on the bar. I could see Dick sweating as I swung to him. An audible grunt escaped him as he flipped toward me...he was too low. Crap. Crap. I reached my hands down further until my shoulder cracked but I wasn't close enough. No!

"Robin!" M'gann psychically yelled. I couldn't do anything.

"Don't blow our cover!" He said as his body went plunging to the ground. The crowd gasped and screamed.

"But saving your life's okay?" Conner replied before throwing up a barrel. Robin used it ad a jumping-off point, hurling himself back up to me.

"Thanks" He replied as I swung back to the center where he was. I reached for his hands, they were too far away again.

"Archer!" M'gann called before his hand was in mine.

"What did I just say?" Robin looked down at M'gann who was walking across the tiprope beneath us.

"The crowd couldn't see me use telekinesis from below. Your both high enough" M'gann replied. "Besides I've been helping Archer all night. She isn't exactly the acrobat you are"

Dick glared up at me before we swung back to the podium, he dismounted with a flip.

"It was twice" I replied as I dismounted and plastered on my best smile before waving to the crowd.

The Other Archer | Dick Grayson ~Young Justice~ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن