Chapter 11- Homefrount (Part 2) [EP 12]

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We dropped down into the cases of the books. I rushed down the stairs, Artemis and Dick at my heels.

"There's a secret passage behind one of these cases" I made my way out the back of the library. "Granted a little clichè but I don't complain" I chuckled.

"You should see the Batcave" Robin said looking at me.

Fantasy. Fiction. Non-fiction. New Adult. Dystopian. I read the names on the sides of the cases before stopping. 

"Please tell me the passage is behind your favorite genre's case" Robin said as we stopped in frount of the 'horror' section. I chuckled.

"Unfortunately no just go di-"

A creak and the sound of a door opening made us hide behind the bookcase. Artemis drew an arrow into her bow, I fished out of the trick-tipped-arrow from my quiver and loaded it.

Robin pulled out two of his red throwing circles. I listened to the foot steps, they sounded almost...fake?

"Artemis. Archer. Robin" Red Tornado said. Red Tornado? No.

"It's Red Tornado!" Artemis jumped out but a gasp escaped her which meant it was RT. I jumped past Artemis, Robin took her with him.

"Yes on the Red" I said looking back at the tall robot.

"No on the Tornado" Robin called as it smashed one of the tables. "The door!" He called but another robot met him.

A shorter...feminine one? I pulled my arrow back and fired, the arrow exploded with a cold gel that surrounded the robot.

"Move!" Artemis called, I jumped on top of the book shelf. She followed as we jumped from case to case. "Who-? What are they?!"

Me and Robin jumped down from the case.

This one. I searched the case

"What does it look like?" Robin asked.

"Red bound book with a crown on it" I replied.

"Found it" He said pulling the book down. The robot must of hit the shelves because they where coming down. We all slipped into the tube, we dropped down. We didn't stopped. We ran down the hallway.

"Did either of you know Tornado had siblings?!" Artemis yelled.

"No" Robin replied.

We stopped at the fork.

"Archer?" Artemis looked at me.

"There aren't any blueprints for this area" I replied.

"Oh great, now we are flying blind" Artemis groaned. I looked at Robin. Left? He gave a curt nod.

We both turned but Artemis grabbed both of our elbows. "So now what? Red Tornado is one of the powerhouses of the league. How are we supposed to take down two of him?" She yelled.

"They do seem pretty user-un-friendly" Robin said as Artemis dropped her hands.

"Don't joke!" Artemis looked at him.

"We get the rest of the team?" I suggested.

"Attention, Robin. Attention, Artemis. Attention, Archer. You have exactly ten minutes to surrender or the lives of your teammates with be extinguished" Not-Red-Tornado said over the intercom. I looked at Robin and then at Artemis.


"Eight minutes" Sounded as we made our way down the hallway.

"We can access the hanger from bere" Robin said but stopped. I turned. Crap. Waves of water cane crashing to us.
"Or not" I whispered.

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