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×3rd person pov×

yeonjun intended on going home after he and beomgyu fought, but somehow, he found himself still looking for the blonde haired boy.

he looked in stores, behind buildings, asked wandering people, but to no avail. it was now roughly around 2am, and yeonjun was beyond exhausted.

his hands were freezing, his feet drug and tiredness weighed him down.

he eventually gave up and headed up, sighing deeply. he wanted to the find taehyun, slightly concerned that he was missing.

he made it home and immediately collapsed onto his couch. he closed his eyes and relaxed into the soft material.

yeonjun stretched his arms above his head and yawned, wiggling around to make himself comfy.

his mind was still wandering on where taehyun could possibly be, but with a sudden jolt of confusion he sat up.

why exactly did he want to find him so much?

he shrugged it off, laying back down and turning on his side. he laid there in silence, occasionally yawning until a noise caught his attention.

he froze, his eyes slowly traveling to his door. his unlocked door. he carefully sat up and bit his tongue, gripping his hoodie sleeve tightly out of fear.

he sat in silence for the next few minutes, until he heard what sounded like feet dragging.

"oh fuxk no, oh fuxk no."

yeonjun mumbled to himself, trying to force himself to stand up. he froze up again when heavy footsteps made their way up his front door steps.

his blood ran cold as the doorbell rang, echoing throughout the silent house.

(fun fact: this happened to me and my sister like a week ago, it was like 4am and a man came up to our door.-.)

"w-whos there?"

yeonjun called out, forcefully making himself to the door. he peered out the window and saw a small boy.

but when he saw the boy, he instantly relaxed and opened the door, yanking the boy inside.

"holy fuxk beomgyu! you gave me a god d.mn heart attack!"

yeonjun breathed out, sitting down on his couch to ease his nerves. beomgyu smiled weakly and crashed to the ground, his legs unable to hold his weight.

"what the h.ll are you doing here?! at 3 in the morning?!"

yeonjun yelled, looking down at the weak boy. beomgyu just silently handed his phone to yeonjun.

and there yeonjun read what was on the screen.


im okay
don't look for me
I'll be at school tomorrow

yeonjun sighed in relief, turning beomgyus phone off and setting it on the couch. beomgyu shakily stood up, his nose and cheeks dark red.

"it's s-so cold, but i thought I'd sh-show you that so we don't h-have to.. to look anymore.."

beomgyu stuttered out, his teeth clattering together. yeonjun eyed him, seeing how cold he actually was.

"well, you showed me now go home."

yeonjun suddenly spat, shoving the phone back into beomgyus trembling hands.

𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 // ʏᴇᴏɴɢʏᴜ (ᴅɪsᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ)Where stories live. Discover now