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×3rd person pov×

kai angerly stormed out of yeonjuns house, his mind set on one thing. he whipped out his phone, dialing his and yeonjuns friend.

"soobin. meet me in the park now."

kai didn't wait for an answer before he hung up, stuffing his phone into pocket. he shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets.

the anger coursed through him, it was unfamiliar. kai had never been the type to get angry, he always preferred talking things out.

but this hit a nerve and he was furious. yeonjun had opened up about his eating problem and his weight to kai months ago.

and of course, kai was very worried, making sure the older boy had eaten at least once a day.

his hair bounced with every heavy footstep that he took, his anger only growing.

soobin was waiting for kai at the bench, bouncing his leg and gnawing on his nails.

"soobin! where does beomgyu live."

the sentence was more of a demanding statement than a question. soobin looked up upon hearing kai's voice.

he instantly noticed the youngers shaking hands and stood up.

"hey, hey, calm down. you look like you want to kill someone right now."

soobin asked as he cradled kai's hands.

"oh because I f.cking do. he goes by the name choi beomgyu. heard of him?"

the curse word left a foul taste on kai's tongue, but he couldn't care. soobin looked taken aback at the frustrated boy.

"take me to beomgyus house."

kai demanded again and soobin silently nodded, leading kai away.


"tae! jesus you scared me!"

beomgyu laughed airily as taehyun appeared out of nowhere, standing in the olders doorway.

taehyun shrugged and sat down on beomgyus bed, petting waeng with a smile on his face.

"oh! sorry I stopped by to say hi, I was coming home from the store.. my mom needed more.. stuff."

taehyun trailed off, his movements on waeng becoming slower.

(it's so hard writing the cats name and staying serious)


beomgyu stared at taehyun, concern painting his features. taehyun didn't look up from the cat, but the older could see that he had drawn in his bottom lip between his teeth.

"she needed more... t-tampons!"

taehyun avoided eye contact, looking everywhere in the room but beomgyus concerned brown eyes.

"yep! she uh- needed those.. so I got those for her."

taehyun said again and stood up, giving waeng one last pat on her head before going to exit the room.

beomgyu rushed up and grabbed taehyuns arm, pulling him back and preventing him from leaving.

"tyun? are you okay?"

beomgyu asked, his grip on taehyuns arm loose. taehyun didn't answer, his throat threatening to close up.

"im okay! I gotta go.. I left the bag down stairs and it could be urgent so.. I love you!!"

taehyun said and kissed beomgyus cheek before pulling his wrist out of the olders hands.

beomgyu stood frozen as taehyun disappeared out of his vision before he finally came to his senses.

𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 // ʏᴇᴏɴɢʏᴜ (ᴅɪsᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ)Where stories live. Discover now