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“Papa… listen to me once. He is really a good guy.” y/n fiddled with her fingers looking down. She's nervous, Hella nervous to disclose the matter with her parents.

This is the time to reveal it to her parents. If she didn't do it now, then she would and will not have the time to reveal it and get married to a flirty yet mysterious software engineer.

She doesn't want to get married to him.  All she wanted was to get back to jungkook.

Looking up, she found her father still not looking up from his book. He had a serious expression on his face. “y/n i dont need to speak anything. You are going to marry the guy I show you and that's all.”

He spoke in a cold tone. “P-papa please… I don't wanna marry that guy.” She tried to reach for her father, but he quickly removed his hands from her grip. “What's so good about the guy you're talking about huh?” y/n watched her dad as he took off his glasses placed on the table.

It would be a total lie if she says she didn't see his eyes having a tint of tears. Who wants their dad to cry?

y/n reached out to him slowly after a few seconds, resting her head on his lap. “Papa, manas is no good. He tried to…” her voice cracked up. She sat on her knees on the ground, pulling off her dupatta to a side, revealing a big cut on her forearm.

The cut pierced through her skin and could see the purple bruises on her wrist. It's been a few days since the incident and she didn't bring that to her parents, hiding it from everyone.

“H-he purposely did this. He's psycho.” she gulped the lump down from her throat crying out her heart. y/n looked up at her father, whose eyes turned soft each second looking at her.

Clearing out his throat, he patted her head softly caressing her strands. She rested her head on his lap crying out slowly feeling the love from her father. “I'm sorry y/n. I sent you out with him. Let me tell your aunt that he's no good and cut off the marriage to the match she showed, hm?”

He reached for the telephone on the table in front of him, with her resting head on his lap. But before he dialed, “y/n, i don't want to get you into trouble and want you to be safe, thats why im cutting this marriage off. It's not that I want you to marry the guy you want.”

She sat up, her eyebrows creased together. “But dad, I went to meet Manas as you asked me to. Why can't you speak to him once?”

“Try me”


Sweat trickled down to her neck from her forehead. Her legs hurted a lot running back home. The blood dripping out from the previous wound from her hand and also the fresh cuts on her face and hands. All she wants now is her parents to be safe.

Clicking the door open, she rushed in, locking the door and pulling the curtains darkening the  living room. She breathed heavily running to her parents room. “Mom dad, are you guys ready?” she opened the door wide open, holding onto her knees as she tried to take long and deep breaths.

“Yeah almost, are you alright ,what are these wounds?!” her mother rushed to y/n soothingly rubbing her back to breathe back to normal. “You need to be quick. The flight is already at the runway.” She lifted her wrist and checked the time.

She asked Jungkook to take her parents with him and that's the only way not to put their lives in risk. “Flight already at the runway? What are you talking about?”

“Papa please no more questions, you need to be safe.” she gulped down the water, quenching her thirst. She can't directly say that they need to be safe because their life is in danger, including hers.

“That's why I said not to choose these thriller scenes in life. But this man and her daughter wouldn't listen. Everyday watching the crime scenes and investigation, come on, her whole life became a mystery for her after becoming a detective.” She could hear her moms ranting all the way while dragging their luggage to the front door. 


“Suga oppa, please take care of my parents.” She ignored the flares from her parents from behind.

‘Is this the man she loved? He looks like a grumpy cat.” y/n heard her mother speaking. “Ignore my fathers grumping for me please? He have anger issues”

“It's okay y/n ah. I will take care of them. Don't worry.” She held his hand showing her gratitude. Placing a letter in his hand, she pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Give this to him please."

Seeing him assuringly smile at her, she went to her parents who wrge a few meters away from her.

"He’s Suga. He's like my brother. He will be with you.” she hugged her mother and father “please be safe. I'll be coming to you.”

y/n smiled with tears in her eyes when she felt her father hugging her back. It's been days since he talked to her.
“Just be careful, my little girl."

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