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Days passed really quick. Days went by and so did the season. The winter where we spent our mornings with the mild warmness of the sun rays from the balcony on our small trip was now adorned as a memory. A real beautiful one.

It's already spring. It must already have been brushed with the delightful hues of the pink cherry blossom at his place. Also talking about the distance. Love really feels painful and emotional when it comes with the distance. Daily texts, phone calls , facetime, and even we still pass letters.

What's more romantic than the handwritten letters? In every letter he sends, it would start off with the happy wishes, then continue with his things which he did all week and then he would give some lines about the thought of losing us, then would write beautiful memories of the past lives.

He never failed to make me smile through the small caring messages and never forgot to make me laugh while reading them. Also a picture would be attached to it. A recent picture of him.

Even Though i search for his photos which were all around the internet, he still attaches one photo of his and sometimes he spares time to draw some sketches of me or us. He is really amazing. No wonder his hyungs call him 'The Golden Maknae'.

I smiled walking on the pavement of the road. The evening of this spring with the light breeze made the colorful plants and trees move. The only thing I wish for is him walking beside me enjoying this moment. I walked down the lane moving to open the gate of home.

Beep beep

I checked my phone, and found a smiley emoji from his side.

Smiling softly to myself, I walked inside the house, closing the door beside me. "I'm home!" I pulled out my phone checking the notification bar for his message.

'In a small meeting. Will call you a bit later. Okay?'

'Love you'.

I hummed to myself even though he's not in front of me right now. I walked more into the living room, finding my dad standing near the couch and an unknown person coming from the dining area to the living room.

I wonder who this man is. Maybe an acquaintance of my dad. I shrugged, and slid my phone into my bag and smiled at my father before moving to my room.

"y/n! Come on, sit here." hearing my mom speaking, i nodded sitting beside my dad. Something is fishy.

"What is it papa?" I turned in my seat facing him.

"He's Manas." he moved his hand towards the other person. I nodded, wishing him a hello and stayed calm. I opted to look at his dressing style until someone decides to speak. The young man was wearing a button up shirt, tucked in his pants. His hair was a little messy yet stylish and he had transparent frame glasses matching with his tanned skin.

After a few little talks, I excused myself, making my way to the kitchen. By the time I came back, the Manas guy had already left.

"Isn't he good?" I heard my father speaking to my mom to which she nodded, setting the cushions on the sofa. "Will he be perfect for our daughter?"

"Yes he absolutely is. Let's move on with the marriage soon. What do you say? We already spoke to his parents too."

"You think so? Then let's get an auspicious date." without even realizing my mind went blank. Am I going to get married? With someone who I don't even know that well.

Tears formed in my eyes with a sob unknowingly leaving my mouth. I weakly rushed to my room, holding the phone in my trembling hands.

His memories ran through my mind. I don't wanna lose him. I really don't want to, not in my imagination either. What should I do now? Should I tell my dad about this?

But papa looked so happy, the smile on his face tells that clearly. And my mom? She always says that dad's always right. But what about Jungkook and me? I don't want any of them to be heartbroken. Neither my parents nor Jungkook, I don't want any of them to be sad.

I wiped my cheeks which were full of tears and messaged him.

'Jungkook, will you talk to my parents about us?'


'Jungkook, will you talk to my parents about us?'


His eyebrows creased looking at her choice of words. She usually addresses him as gukkie or gukk after she got comfortable with him. He got up from the chair walking to the big window in his bedroom, while calling her number.

The line beeped and it ended. There's no response from her. "What must have happened? Something's wrong."

He called her numerous times, but everytime it beeped and ended. He sighed, laying down on the bed and looked outside at the night sky. It's already 10.30 pm at his place.his eyes look tired. All he wanted was to sleep but now he couldn't.

Jungkook picked up the phone again and dialed y/n's number for the last time. He badly hoped to make her answer the call and she did.

"Hello?" an unknown voice erupted from the phone. He remained silent for a few seconds. "Who's this?"

"Is y/n there?" Jungkook spoke into the call, nervously pressing his lips into a thin line. "Ah y/n? She's busy for a moment. I'll ask her to call you when she comes back."

He hummed softly. "And you're?"

"I'm Manas. Uh...her date for the night and fiancee?" the voice spoke unsure of himself making jungkook go jungshook.

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