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'Dating: Kang Aera & The Majesty'

'Both are captured together with matching clothes, and rings'.

Looking at the link, Jimin scoffed, sliding in his seat on the sofa. He handed the iPad to Suga, showing him the printed letters and edited photos of him. "I can't believe that everyone's falling for that."

"And moreover these? These photos weren't even that right!" Shaking his head in disbelief, Jin walked to the tinted windows, getting up from the armrest of the sofa.

The septet who's spreaded all around the room glanced at the door when it was knocked and opened. A groan was heard followed by a figure entering inside. "Hyunggg! Another piece of news!" The vice captain of the royal guards , Choi Yeonjun, lifted a folded newspaper into the air before putting it on the desk. "Are you really with her? I don't even like her. Sorry no offense." He whined crossing his arms over his chest sitting on the coach.

"What are you thinking about doing Jungkook-ah?" Namjoon who was silent until then spoke up.

Jungkook who sat over the study table, holding his head groaned. "This ain't working. I think we should go for a press meet."


The Royal hall was filled with people as always. But this time it's filled with people from the media; the journalists and the cameraman. The people making themselves seated in the allotted chairs, before they set their camera facing the chair where the king is going to sit and reveal all about the things which have spread around the country from the past few days.

As the king, the pride of Korea, jeon jungkook, stepped into the hall, where the press conference was gonna be held, all the people around stood up showing their respect to their king.

He took his seat in front of them, where the cameras were facing him. All of the other members of bts were already present there, including the royal guards, and some important members here and there.

Tapping the mic for a second, he cleared his throat, looking at the media. "Today, I'm not gonna answer all of your questions, I'm gonna speak and y'all gonna get the explanation to all of your doubts." He glared at every single person from the crowd, with his dark aura.

"To all who came here, I'm gonna explain one single thing. I don't have any external business with the vice president. I treat her and look at her, just the same I do with the other Ministers".

"Also matching clothes and stuff?" he scoffed. "Is Wearing the formal black suit and her wearing a black office suit considered as matching clothes? There are freaking 230 people around me wearing similar black outfits." He hardly slammed his palm on the flat hard surface of the table where he's addressing.

"I totally oppose all these rumors. They aren't true. I can't help it if you still cling onto the 'unseen and unreal' things." Jungkook spoke, looking around the media who were looking at him outbursting, without any emotions.

"Yes! As I said before, I like someone. No, I love someone. But that doesn't mean that you can think of someone as Ms. Kang Aera ssi. I hope I'm clear." He was about to say his formal ending of the moment, but someone raised a question from the media, making him look up at the camera again.

"Then can we have the chance to know about the girl who took your heart? I bet she's afraid to come out to look at the world around, hiding the fact that she's seeing more men at the same time." A person in from the crowd of media spoke up before hiding himself again in the crowd.

Jungkook fisted his hand tightly, putting it on the desk before him, his feet gritting at the statement of the person.

He chuckled lightly. "Y'all don't even know about her. Why make false statements? She's a pure soul. It's been a long time since we met. But till now she's still nervous around me."

"She doesn't even call me by my name. She never crossed her limits until now. Not even a single moment. I've never seen her coming closer to me. She maintains her distance at every place. Don't speak out without knowing."

"She herself did not have any small skinship with me, not even holding hands. And why make false statements? Don't open that mouth of yours to gossip about unwanted and unrealistic things."

"And thank you for listening to me out." with that he walks out of the hall. Walking back to the palace with bts, he found a figure looking at him standing behind the walls. Jungkook glanced at the girl who was hiding behind the wall walking along with him.

"You did a good job kookie. Don't think about it again and again." Taehyung soothingly patted his back, walking along with him. But Jungkook eyed the pretty figure hiding before grabbing her hand walking to her room, leaving the rest of the bts at the back.

Closing the doors of the room, he made her sit on the bed. "I'm sorry." he whispered in a low tone, pressing his lips onto y/n's forehead. The first ever skinship of them beside the hug they shared a few days ago.

"I made you hurt." He kneeled down on the floor, in front of her, holding her delicate arm in his. "It's not your fault. Why are you like this?" slowly cupping his cheek with her other hand, she lifted his face, making him look into her eyes.

"You did nothing wrong. Don't worry, now smile." poking his cheeks lightly, she smiled when she saw a small stretch on his lips as he smiled. "But conditions apply." Jungkook wrinkled his forehead, raising his eyebrows.

"Cook for me please." a smile planted on his lips again, hearing her cute request. "For sure!"


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