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Tales of heart

Love in the streets of Paris.

Paris, a global centre of art, fashion, gastronomy, music and culture.  It is considered one of the most beautiful European cities because of its aesthetic and cultural features. This city of Light is located on the seine river which divides the city. Paris, the name itself makes a way all to your heart. It's an incredible place of glamorous and Romantic times. Paris has the deepest roots in music and art forms from the 18th century.

Paris is a city of dreamers, dreaming of magic and creativity, a haven for top famous artists. The magic of its lights, high-rise buildings, beauty of art and blatant fashion attract many different types of artists. Paris has always been a magnet for artists and fast-life enthusiasts since long back.

The small yet the most beautiful streets of the city were filled with people; the art students. The dancers, the musicians, the photographers, the instrumentalists were all spread across the streets of the city.

Walking on the pathways beside the road, the brown haired young man was immensely into the beauty of paris. He was just one step closer to his goal, his dream. His dream of getting a masters in photography. He was constantly working hard on his passion with all his heart.

He requires a new interest to capture an alluring art. That's the purpose to step his foot down onto the land of the art. He wants a new interesting moment to capture into the camera lens.

"Jungkook! You're close to your achievement. It's only a step away!" He motivated himself, clapping his hand for a second, shoving his hands into his coat pockets to warm his hands.

Jungkook started walking around the streets finding a new fantasy. His brown timberlands made slight sounds, touching the pavements of the streets as his eyes were finding the beautiful moment to capture what his heart liked.

He set his camera around his neck, as he tried to catch the pretty clouds which were like a white cotton in the sky. He smiled as he was clicking the beauty, but his heart didn't cherish his pictured aspect.

His eyes read the picture he took, immediately deleting the photo, He sighed. His heart was feeling a little depressed. He turned back, leaning against the bridge, looking down at his shoes. He needs to find a new captivating interest for himself.

A smooth yet harmonious sound was playing around making him look up at the people who were a few metres away from him. The soft instrumental music was fascinating to him. Taking large strides towards the music, his beautiful eyes searched for the source of the music.

His eyes found a cluster of people nearby him. Jungkook unknowingly took some strides towards them, his mind wandering in the beautiful notes made by the instrument. And there he found someone.

Someone who was playing a violin,
Her body moving along the rhythm perfectly
Her fingers gently moving on the violin strings
Her face showed her pleasant emotions as..
Her lips played a pretty smile
And he was there
Fallen into her beauty.

Though there were many people around her, participating in the small concert, his eyes stuck upon her. Everything felt like a slow motion for him.

Jungkook unconsciously smiled, showing his shy smile, when she looked at him. To him, the world felt different when she looked at him. Returning him with a small gesture, she smiled back at him, still continuing to play the violin while moving her body to the music.

"Can I?" Jungkook mouthed, showing his camera to her, asking permission to capture her picture. His heart wanted to capture a picture. Her picture.

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