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"Kang Aerin?!" His eyes widened, surprisedly looking at her.

"Your highness." Everyone looked at her as she gently removed Aksh's hand from hers and bowed to Jungkook.

"You're here...with Aksh?" she nodded slowly, looking down before holding Aksh's hand again. Rest of the others were trying to grasp what the situation was about. Also Aksh bringing a girl all of a sudden and that he was planning to marry her is another tangle which has to be slowly entangled soon.

'Also...Jungkook knows her? She seems quite familiar. Her name too.' Y/n thought.

"You both know each other?" Mira's voice was heard from behind. Jungkook nodded and the girl did too.

"She's Aerin. Kang Aera, the Vice President's younger sibling. I have known her for a few years but I didn't hear anything about her until now after the incident." He leaned back against the tree, looking down at his shoes in a deep thought.

"Incident?" speaking out, y/n's mind held immense curiosity. He nodded and turned to Aerin.

Aksh held her forearm, rubbing it gently, when he spotted some tears in her eyes. "Lemme say what happened."

"My sister isn't what she is. She needs the power to continue the things she's doing in the dark. The vice president...she just wants the position only to get into the other higher position in order to hold the power quickly."

"She... killed my parents." Aerin sobbed. "Your parents?" she nodded slowly covering her mouth with her hand trying to stop herself from crying more.

"She got adopted by my parents when she was 17. Since then she started some illegal things and me being the little 10 year old kid, she forcefully made me not to speak out infront of our parents when I caught her with some white powdered packets."

"She would always make me keep my mouth closed in front of my parents. But one day she killed my parents. I came back from abroad only to witness her getting inaugurated as the vice president. And in that party, I met the highness." She looked up at Jungkook who was still looking at the little twigs on the ground.

"She told all the things which happened to me and hyungs. But we couldn't find any good evidence to put against her." Jungkook spoke up this time. "It's been 8 months since we are trying to find something."

"I tried to find Daniel, her ex boyfriend at college but it all went in vain. She got to know that soon, and she sent some men secretly to find me." Aerin took a deep breath, sighing.

"I escaped from her and started staying here with my old friend. It all happened a few months ago. Now..." she trailed off. "She has no one to put a wall in order to stop her. She forcefully included Daniel in her business in order to be the queen."

"So that she can continue her illegal stuff and no one will oppose her as she's the highness?!" Karan scoffed at disbelief.

"Damn this is real bullshit. Sorry no offense." Mira quickly composed herself.

"Aerin". Jungkook took a few strides ahead holding y/n's hand walking to Aerin and Aksh. "Give her all the info and the proof you have about her. She will help you."

Y/n looked at him and back to Aerin confusedly. "Jungkoo-" he cut her off.

"Aerin, she's working on a case related to blemish wolves." And he turned back to y/n. "And y/n their might be a possibility that Aera ssi works for the blemish wolves."

"She works for the wolves?!" Aerin nodded. "She has a tattoo on her right shoulder."

"But Daniel is the right person who can show her true self In front of all. He has been living in the dark for a year. We need to get him."

Heya peeps! I know this chapter is a bit boring. I'm gonna make it up for you guys. I promise. Thank you for the love which you're showing to my books. Please do vote and comment and also share it with your friends:)))))))))

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