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"This isn't working! I gotta go." I whispered softly to myself over a hundred times, chanting the same, her picture kept getting on my mind.

I can't afford to lose her again. I'm gonna go to her now. Getting up to my feet, I puffed out some air, walking into the closet room.

"Hyung! It's time to sneak out again. Please cover up for me." I spoke into the call, declining it, pushing it on the table. Packing the luggage, I quickly placed all of the things which I required. I tapped the screen of the phone for the nth time waiting for her reply. It's been 25hours since she started from here. But there's no reply till now.

"Jungkook, what are you planning to do?" I whipped my head to the other side, finding Jin hyung and jiminie hyung standing at the doorway of the walk-in closet.

I picked up my luggage and put it down as I walked towards them with my luggage. "Hyung, I just...don't know."

"Something doesn't feel good. I want to go check up on her. I can't afford to lose her this time." My voice came out in a low tone, as I glanced down trying to cover up my teary eyes.

A soothing feeling came in contact with my back as I felt Jimin hyung comforting me by patting my back. "It's okay Jungkook. Don't worry about anything else. Just go. Go and win her this time."

A small smile landed on my face while I rubbed my teary eyes a bit. "We will take care of the things here until you come back hm?" Jin hyung said, holding my luggage,rolling the bag wheels down as we went outside into the hallway.

"It would be better if you take John with you." Nodding my head slowly, I saw Jimin calling to one of the most trusted bodyguards, informing him to come, probably gonna ask him to get ready.

It was already nighttime so it was easy for us to get into the car through the secret back door which only we know. As soon as we got into the car we quickly dashed off to the runaway road, where the private jet was already waiting.

I got out of the car as Taehyung opened the trunk, putting my luggage out . "John!" I heard Jimin hyung call him.

"Johnson! The left wing commandant sir!" He bowed to Jimin, who's the captain of the Royal Guards.

"You're assigned to go with him. Take good care and protect him without anyone knowing. Just tag along with him wherever he goes." Jimin held his shoulder, implying all his jobs, while Taehyung handed mine and John's luggage to one of the bodyguards around.

I turned around, hugging one after the other hyungs. "Hyungs please look after my responsibilities. I'll be back soon."

"You guys are bound together in this life. And I pray for that." Hobi hyung showed his all happy smile trying to cheer me up and the mood.

"Go safely Jungkookie. Call us when you reach." Suga hyung, who was silent until then, led me up to the plane asking me to go inside.

"Fighting!" All of my brothers  cheered me up as I settled myself in the seat. John followed me right behind.

Y/n hold on a little more, I'm coming. can't let this bond break between us. I can't let us apart in this life. I need you.

"Ahh!" Y/n groaned sitting up a hand moving in her long silky hair as she ruffled them. Adjusting to the bright sunshine in the room, her eyes were trying to open, while her hand patted around the space beside the pillow, searching for her phone.

Switched off.

"Ah! This jet lag is really killing." She got up onto her feet, waddling to the living room trying to search for the charger in her backpack which she left at the corner.

"Mommy! I'm up and this headache is really killing me." She managed to walk to the couch laying herself on it as she held the cable wire in her hands. "Amma?" She tried to look around, rubbing her eyes.

"Y/n! Mr. and Mrs Roy went to a small gathering this morning. They will be back by 11." A woman in her 50's came into the living room, with a cup of which y/n immediately recognised the lady who works in their house since she was a child.

"Here you go." She handed y/n some hot milk and a painkiller for her headache.

"Oh okay." She rubbed her eyes for a mere second, plugging in her phone thinking Jungkook must have called her before taking the cup. She sipped on her milk quickly finding her phone switching on.

She went through all the messages, finding a specific person from whom she's waiting for a message.

Y/n? Did you reach?

Baby message me back when you see this...

Hope you reached safe and sound. You must be probably tired. Rest well 😘

And 7 other messages.

A smile landed on her lips, seeing all the messages from him and his little worry when she didn't reply back. She quickly messaged back that she's perfectly alright and reached safely.

She drank the last sip of the milk, placing the cup on the coffee table, waiting for his message. Checking the other contacts and calls, her gaze fell on an anonymous message which was sent recently. A few minutes back.

"The smile that's lacing your lips now won't be in the future. Laugh as much as you want as of now. Because there won't be such a pretty girl afterwards...wanna die?"

Y/n glanced at the phone for a while, before sending the suspicious number to one of her contacts. She smiled in satisfaction for a second when she got the info she needed.

She clicked her tongue before replying back to the suspicious number from which she got the mysterious messages.

"You wanna die? A person who puts a message like these shouldn't show their number too publicly. Just wait for your turn sweetheart." She grinned, putting the phone away.

Closing her eyes for a second, her eyebrows frowned as she looked at the front door where there's a knock. No!  more like knocks. Y/n put her feet down standing up.

"Aunty? Is someone coming today?" She glanced back to the open kitchen where the lady was doing her work. "No, there isn't anything informed." The lady answered, getting back to her work.

Y/n walked to the front door where the knocks were getting intensified. She held a vase nearby ready to bang the person's head if they tried to meddle with her.

Hiding the base behind her back, she walked to the door closely, opening it slowly only to notice...

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