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We are all in the living room, sitting across from each other. I've Y/n to my side and one more guy sitting beside her on the arm rest, with a serious expression on his face. And to my other side, there's John who's standing beside the couch.

It feels like a table conference with all the people being serious, but compared to that it feels less nervous as John and Rohan giving a death glare and throwing tantrums on each other.

A tall tan complexed guy cleared his throat, glancing at y/n and then to our hands which were intertwined together and resting on my lap.  "Who's he?" I felt his gaze on me for a second and then back on her.

Y/n glanced at him with a poker face. "Don't be that serious, Karan. It doesn't suit you. He's my...boyfriend." She trailed off as she completed her sentence.

"I'm Jaykay." I smiled a bit but quickly maintained it when I saw Rohan looking at me.

"And I seriously don't like this guy." He pointed to Johnson, and occupied the seat beside me.

"But more than that, I like you a lot man. Whoosh! These muscles." I nervously smiled as he held my right arm poking his index finger on my bicep. Quickly pulling the long sleeve a little down, I covered my inked arm which got exposed once he held my hand.

"Hey! Don't do that." Johnson rushed to my side, removing his hand around me. I told him that it's alright. And he can loosen up when it's not needed. But he doesn't listen to me. I watched him growing up along with me. He has been with me since I was 15 and he was 14. I could say that he looked less intimidating and way too timid when he was younger. But he isn't like that now anymore.

"Why? Is your permission required to touch someone? What era are you living in?" Rohan scoffed as he leaned himself more onto me, putting his head on my shoulder pouring some more petrol to burn johnson more.

"You just can't do that.''

"I will and I can!" 

John turned to me, giving me a small apologetic look. I shook my head, indicating to him to stop speaking further. "I'm sorry, your majesty. I just can't let our pride be addressed in an informal way." he glanced back to the rest of the people who were in the living room and then back to Rohan.

"What—" John cut him off.

"I just can't let you speak to him informally." he continued. I shook my head lightly trying to signal him not to.

"He's our pride, our majesty, the King. The King of the Kingdom of Korea." Johnson stood straight, maintaining his posture. Sighing a little to myself, I looked around everyone looking at him and then at me. Rohan who was still then clinging to my side was now looking at me with his wide eyes.

I felt my hand gently getting a small squeeze from y/n. She smiled. And I returned back the same gesture. "Dude it's true!!!" karan, aksh, maya, mira, adithi crowded up in a circle, one of them holding a phone which showed the internet results.

Rohan ran up to the crowd, fitting and pushing himself into them before successfully grabbing the phone from Aditi's phone. He ran up to me again. Placing the phone beside my face, his eyes go wide each second he scrutinized my face and the picture on the internet.

"Guys! He's real!"


"Why isn't aksh here yet?" mira muttered playing with the grass as we all sat at the river right infront of the house watching the sunset.

"He gathered us all here to tell us something important and then he isn't even here." Karan leaned back, laying himself on the ground looking up at the sky. I felt a pair of eyes look at me. It was karan. I glanced back at him, smiling a little, but he quickly turned away embarrassed as I caught him staring.

The sun set down totally. The hues of dark blue shaded in the sky beautifully. The atmosphere slowly turned cold.

"Guys, here you go!" Rohan came back with a flask along with the paper cups. Pouring the hot tea into the paper cups,he handed everyone. I sipped on to the tea feeling the warmness of the liquid which accompanied this cold weather.

I enjoyed myself with the tea and the atmosphere around. "Confession time~" y/n smiled excitedly, raising her tea cup in the air and the group sat in a circle.

Confusion spread all over my face. Confession time? Before I could mumble a word, y/n noticed. I probably spaced out. "It's just that we confess something about each other or with all of us, when we feel good or when the place and time suggests." She gave a toothy smile.

"Can I too?" They nodded and scooted over, making room for me. Sitting in between Aditi and y/n, I was kinda excited for this confession time. I don't know what to confess but I really like to join them.

"Is he not coming?" Rohan spoke, pointing to John who was sitting under a tree, avoiding eye contact with me. I shook my head. "This is the first time I'm seeing him this silent."

I took a breath out looking at John from afar. "Whenever he sits under the tree he always gets zoned out. The memories of his father come to his mind. I've seen him cry a lot when he lost them. He was just 13 when he found himself lost."

I turned back, finding everyone deeply listening to the story of John. "Don't worry, he will be composing himself soon. He's really a soft hearted one inside but looks tough outside." Rohan hummed.

Few seconds of silence took over us before we started the confessions. Everyone started theirs and now it's my turn. I pulled my legs close to me, hugging them as I started.

"I don't want this to be a confession but I just want to tell you all that. Please don't foreign me just as I'm a king. I found you guys getting embarrassed, nervous and awkward around me. Just treat me as a friend. Because I have the same features as you all. And I can convert the oxygen to carbon dioxide just as you guys. Just treat me as you do to others. Not a special kinda thingy. And I do have a heart. And it belongs to her."

I mumbled the last sentence, gently holding her hand in mine. She smiled at me comfortingly and patted my hand softly. I looked up to find everyone giving a small smile.

"It's not that we don't want to mingle with you sir, it's that...we just still can't believe that you're like a normal person even if you're a king. We respect you, sir." Mira answered on behalf of all.

"Oh please...you don't need to be formal—" Karan cut me off. "As we already said, we respect you, sir." He smiled softly, pulling out his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand fist bumping him.

"Guys, it's my confession time. I'm gonna marry this girl." A heavy voice beamed from behind. It's Aksh.

"Kang Aerin?!"

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