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"This happened On my 16th birthday. That night when I came back to my room after having a small party with my brothers, I lay down on the bed trying to sleep. I was rolling on the bed trying to get some sleep, but I couldn't. All I had in my mind was someone but I can't figure out who it was. Then all of a sudden I heard something-"

"I heard......

September 1st 2013
1:47 am

The whole country was celebrating the day with joy on the occasion of the king's birthday. The young king never disappointed anyone and never mistreated the people of his country in his 10 years of life as the king after he inherited the throne from his father. People were happy under his ruling along with the new revolution of technology and the new world of development which overtook the changes compared to the past.

It's only around 2 am on the night of the king's birthday. The
crackers, the fireworks glowing in the sky and  people looking at the beautiful sight in the sky with their family and smiles engulfing their faces. It's just been 2 hours since the clock hit 12 announcing the precious day 1st September and the whole country was already celebrating it like a big festival.

Jungkook opens the door of his bedroom chamber. The room was designed so authentic as the floor was high quality of shining marble, a wood place with a cozy couch infront of it. A huge television fixed to the royal grey coloured walls and there sits a coffee table on the white silk carpet in front of the sofa.

And to the other side of the room there layed a king size bed with the white curtains beautifully draped, bringing appeal to the bedroom. And across it there was a bathroom and a connected personal walk-in closet. There was a huge window across the bed giving a pretty view of the night sky.

Our birthday boy was so tired after having a small party with his friends. They mean a lot to him. They are his everything. After meeting them and throwing a party, our 16 year old Jungkook came back to his room trying to get some sleep.

He tiredly plopped on the bed. He looked to his right to the window which was showing the pretty fireworks from outside. "Pretty" the word spelled out from his mouth as he looked at the beautiful night sky. He laid his head on the soft pillows as he closed his eyes. He was so tired and was trying to get some sleep but he couldn't.

Everytime he closes his eyes trying to fall into a deep slumber, a picture forms in his vision. Her eyes, her smile, her face. But he can't recognise the person. He kept turning sideways and wanted to get some sleep. But all he had in his mind was that pretty girl who was having long hair which swayed to the side as she hoped, holding someone's hand. The smile which costs more than the stars and there was a small mole on her collarbone.

He jolted up and sat crisscrossed in the bed, ruffling his messy hair. All of a sudden a cold breeze hits his body. The atmosphere which was vibing around just a few minutes ago was all gone. The sky was filled with the black and dark clouds and with some lightning here and there.

It was totally opposite to what was going on a while ago. He was confused. He slowly got off the bed, putting his feet onto the floor. He walked to the window, looking outside. The whole weather was different. It was just so bright and beautiful with the fireworks but now it was totally filled with the black clouds and the cold winds.

A strong breeze hits him. The curtains which were railed up at the sides of the windows were flying in the air due to the wind. The papers on his work table were flying in the air, and falling down. The books on the book shelf fell down. And he closed his eyes and covered his face with his arms trying to escape from the cold wind.

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