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Double update~

"This one is always going off." A pout formed on his concentrated face ,holding the white Dhoti in his hands. He tried to tie again around his waist but failed miserably.

The soft ringing sound of the phone took his gaze from the dhoti which is in his hands to his phone. "Jungkook you alright in there?" It's y/n.

"Yeah I'm good. But this is not gonna work." He moved a hand through his wet damp hair. Looking into his reflection on the mirror in front of him wearing a blue and white striped shirt, he continued to get dressed up.

"Come on buddy. Don't say that! Ask Karan he's gonna help you. And yeah-we are already at the temple. oh good! John is readily awesome in that." He clicked his tongue before scoffing.

"Am I your boyfriend or he? Look, I'm gonna come too. Readily awesome and handsome." He spoke to himself.

"Fine fine I'm gonna ask Karan to help." He waddled out holding the traditional clothes in his hands.

"We are here. Where are you all?" Rohan spoke in the call while getting off the jeep. "Here!" Y/n hit his back softly. "What took you so late huh?"

She asked, coming to the front while something took her heartbeat away. The young man. He got off the jeep, holding the Angavastram, with his covering his bare upper body. White dhoti which he wore made him look more handsome than he already is. (Angavastram- a shoulder cloth or stole worn by men in India, especially in Maharashtra and South India. It is a single, rectangular piece of fabric and may have decorated borders.)

She blushed lightly, looking at the site of his inked right arm visible through the fine material of the angavastram he's wearing.

He smiled softly at her, holding out his hand, for her. "You look so...mesmerizing." Pulling her close to him the moment she placed her hand in his, she felt something soft touch her forehead.

He kissed.

"Can't take my eyes off you." He whispered and kissed her ear. "I so badly wish that it's our marriage today instead of Aksh and Aerin."

Jungkook moved back showing his bunny smile, which she's always fond of.

"How I'm looking??" He took off the angavastram from his shoulders slightly down to his bicep not showing off totally but his biceps. He flexed them making her cheeks turn crimson. His abs peeking through as he moved a little around

She looked away, finding the group already so ahead of them, at the entrance of the temple. "We are late, come on, let's go." She held his arm walking to them, whereas he...probably in his imagination along with her.

Eyes of my sweet heart are twinkling as a rainbow composed of various colors
The beautiful moon amidst the clouds has bloomed into the pretty face of my beloved one.
You are everything to me...be it the melodious tunes of love or the enraged arguments of a quarrel
You are the bonding that I posses from thousands of births and before
Your charm is the merriment of my heart
You are my blend of my emotions... with you, this life will be elated with joy


"You alright?" She held him by his shoulders while he lifted her in his robust arms protectively bridal style. Jungkook nodded.

"I'm perfectly alright." He gave y/n a toothy smile, climbing the stairs of the temple.

"Only saw this in the movie Chennai express which we all watched that night. Jiminie hyung really wanted to try this thing but I'm first then him." He cheerfully said, looking at the front where Aksh and Aerin, Karan And Aditi were climbing the stairs just like them. And the rest of them were walking behind them.

"Jungkook I'm really heavy, but still why do you want to do this-" he cut her off.

"I don't want us to be apart in this life. Didn't you hear what the pandit ji said? People who do this aren't going to go apart and it's a tradition in this village."

"You are—"

"You're a big chatterbox aren't you?" He shushed her and made her put her chin resting on his bare shoulder. She pouted looking at Rohan who's walking behind them.

She cheekily smiled looking at Rohan . "You really have this muscle man carrying you". He mouthed holding his kneecaps for a second before following them again.

"His muscles are no joke." He mouthed again, wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

"Ask him to carry you, and you won't be apart forever." Y/n pointed to Johnson, grinning sheepishly.

"Hell no." He glared back.

She laughed silently resting her head on his shoulder While on the other side, Jungkook only wished one thing hard. He strongly wished for only one thing.

"No matter what, please let her stay by my side. I can't afford to lose her. I can't bear all the pain which is building up inside me. It's really hard to think of a moment without her."

"I wish I could hear her soft happy giggles everyday, while she rests in my arms forever and ever."


His body towered over mine. His lips showed a mischievous grin while he trapped between his hands pinning me to the door.

The moment I entered the room, I was swiftly turned around and was pinned to the wall. Slowly looking up in his eyes, I found them teasing me making my cheeks go crimson. He never leaves a chance to make me flush.

"Yes, I will not give away any chance to leave you all crimson." He read my mind, moving closer to my face. A soft pair of lips pressed on to mine for a moment. It felt like soft candy.

"Aren't you a little jealous over there?"Jungkook moved back, his lips still playing a soft smirk.

"Wh-where I don't remember?" I took the chance, escaping, walking to the mirror.

"Lying is bad, you know? You can't lie to me, especially to the person who can easily read your thoughts." He spoke while I sat in front of the mirror looking at him through the reflection.

"I don't know what you're speaking about." I shrugged, removing some of the bangles from my hands. "The group of girls who's looking at our direction— don't!" Within a second, he rushed to my side back hugging me, pulling me softly into his embrace.

"You look pretty like this." He put the bangles back on my hands, never leaving me away from his embrace. Looking at him through the mirror reflection, I saw him placing his head on my shoulder, with his chin resting, a small pout formed on his lips cutely.

"You still didn't tell me how I was looking today." He said, meeting my eyes through the mirror.

"You know, I've been trying to get ready for like an hour and half, because I know you are going to look so good and I need to try and match up."I turned around.

"Yes! I was jealous over there , not little but much jealousy, because I don't want them to look at what's mine." I tiptoed, swiftly placing my lips onto his.

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