CHAPTER: forty-three

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hat night Bella and Jacob left Renesmee at the Ford's to have a sleepover with her Aunt Margaux. After Alice and Jasper's sudden dissapearance, Bella's been on edge and Margaux took this opportunity to have Renesmee with her and gave Bella some space even for a little bit while before they go.

"Are you gonna come back, Aunt Coco?" Coco, a nickname Renesmee made for her when they're both thinking of names to call each other. Since her name ends with the sound "goh" and with Renesmee's habit to repeat words twice, she ended up with "goh-goh" that is soon changed to "coco" since it rhymed with it.

"Of course, sweetie. Uncle Rad and I won't be gone for long. We'll be here for Christmas" Margaux answered, while brushing her niece's hair.

"Really? I'll continue making my gift for then"

"A gift? Thank you. Why did you stopped anyway?"

"I just...Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper just left without saying anything, but a letter. I stopped doing it in case more of you decided to go away. It will be just a waste if I finished it and no one would wear it" Renesmee sadly uttered.

Margaux frowned, "No, sweetheart. It will not be a waste. You know what, continue what you're making, okay? Make one for each of us still. I'll wear mine and what is supposed to be for Aunt Alice's and Uncle Jasper's"

"Then you'll have three?"

"Yes and none of it would be a waste and beside three things means "I Love You" right?"

Renesmee giggled "Yes, that means I'll get three gifts from you right? Since you love me"

Margaux laughed, "You sneaky" she said, but nodded anyway. "I love you"

"I love you too" 


Next morning, Radleigh took Renesmee back to the Cullen's house while Margaux went to talk with the pack.

"You came" Sam's loud voice greeted Margaux. "Obviously" she replied.

"You think----"

"I didn't came here for you Sam or any of it that is in your head. I came here to talk with the council purely about Renesmee. That's all" exclaimed Margaux "Where are they?" she added.

Sam cleared his throat before speaking, "They sent me here to take you there"

At first, Margaux's unsure wether to go with him, but she did anyway. When they arrived all the council members and the pack are already inside the cabin, waiting.

"Thank you for giving us time and chance to have a talk with you, Margaux" said Billy.

Margaux just nodded, taking a seat in front of him. "I'm gonna be really straightforward with you all cause I still had a lot of things to do afterwards. I ONLY came here to talk about Renesmee's case. Honestly, we really, badly needed your kind to help us, not to fight, but to prove that what they believe is far from the truth"

Billy nodded, "We understand and we would help you. Renesmee, being Jacob's imprint gave us enough reason to do so. You don't have to worry about it anymore"

Margaux scoffed, "Then why did you even have to make me go all the way here for this?"

"Margaux, we need to talk"

"We are....Oh, is this about what I did to Sam?"

No one said anything as Margaux look at them, one by one.

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