CHAPTER: three

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"ARE you okay?" Margaux asked Bella. The girl just nod her head before looking back. Margaux also looked back, only to see the infamous group; the Cullens minus Edward.
"Must be the reason" she thought. She wants to say something, but she doesn't want to appear like a busybody, prying into someone else business and besides, they just met yeserday.


Aside from really interesting, finally, lessons, Margaux didn't really expect to be alone in the woods, searching for Bella. Bella's truck isn't available at the moment so she asked Margaux for a ride. They were both walking towards the parking lot, when Edward approached the two, wanting to talk to Bella for a minute.

"Wait for me"

That's what Margaux's doing for the passed hour. She's getting hungry, impatient and worried. Bella should've been there minutes ago.

She had already called the cops before deciding to look for her.

"Bella, where are you?" She whispered to herself. She was walking peacefully, skipping every roots that can trip her, when she suddenly felt something behind her. If she was in the movie, it's just probably wind or it's better to just ignore it and run for your life, but since she's not, she does the opposite.

"Who's there?" she stopped. Silence. That's what she got. "Whoever or whatever you are, I am not up for a game. Look, my friend is missing, okay? I'm just gonna go find her then we'll get out of here" 

She waited for a bit before sprinting away.  She doesn't want to take the risk of knowing wether it's the wind, a ghost or something.

"Are you okay, Margaux?" Harry Clearwater, which Margaux got to know earlier, asked.

She breathlessly nodded. "I'm good. Thank you for asking though. I couldn't find her. I'm sorry, Chief"

"It's okay, Dear. I think it's best for you to go home now and get rest. Your Mom must be worried sick about you right now. I appreciate your concern and help. Thank you for what you did for my daughter" the Chief of Police, Charlie, butted in, tapping her on her shoulder.


On her way, Margaux couldn't help, but think of what happened in the woods earlier. It scared her, yes, but she can't ignore the fact that she felt something odd. Like, a familiarity towards it.

Once she got home, her Mother immediately bombarded her with so many questions that she had to put her hands over her mother's mouth to stop her.

"Mom, easy. I'll tell you everything that had happened. Let me just put my things down"

Her Mom nodded, waiting for her to the tell the tea, which Margaux eventually did, except her strange encounter in woods, ofcourse.

"Do you think they eloped?" asked her Mom.

Margaux looked at her like she have two heads, "Are you serious, Mom? I don't think they'll do that. I told you, I think, they both had a lovers quarrel"

"Okay. How can you be so sure? They're both teenagers and in love. Love can make you do even the most impossible thing and if eloping isn't not an option--Oh my god! He killed her!?"

Margaux rolled her eyes, "That's really absurb. I don't think Edward would do that. I saw them together, for like 2 days and I am sure. I don't think Edward will have any motive or even a thought of killing her. That guy would take a bullet for her, Mom"

"Then, how can you explain the situation right now? Where's Bella? And based on your stories, I don't think that girl would just bail out on someone, especially if she told you to wait for her. Oh, poor girl. Her parents must be really worried right now"

"That's what I don't know. I just hope she's okay and they'll find her soon"

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