CHAPTER: eight

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"I believe, we have something else to do. Continue your staring contest later" Alice said with a teasing smile.

The two laughed slightly before following after her. They began walking through the ocean of people. Margaux stick close to Radleigh, who doesn't really mind at all. Alice is leading them.

Alice stopped in front of a wooden door, opening it.

"Come on, guys. It's a Festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene" she said, taking her glasses off.

"We wouldn't" A tall, big guy said. He was the scariest one in Margaux's opinion. She and Radleigh stayed at the back, not wanting any attention from the two volturi vampire especially since there's another human, but that's impossible as the two, Demetri and Felix gazes stopped on Margaux.

"What a surprise. You brought foo--" before Demetri could even finish, Radleigh cut him off. "Shut up" he said. His patience already running out. He wants this to be done so he can get Margaux out of there as soon as possible. "Just tell us whatever you want"

"Of course"

A small figure approached them. "Jane" said Edward. "Aro sent me to see what's taking so long"

Her eyes travelled to the group before finally settling on Bella and Margaux. She stared at the latter longer before walking away.

Edward was the first one to follow after her, pulling Bella with him to keep her close. Margaux held on Rad's sleeve. "Just do what she says" Alice whispered.

They all walked down a dark, very eerie hallway. Suddenly, a door opened to reveal an elevator. They all went in, Margaux being cramped between the Elevator's wall and Radleigh. Her face close to his chest. She could feel heat rushing up to her cheek as she watched his adam's apple move.

Shaking her head, Margaux calm herself to get herself together. She shouldn't think inappropriate about some guy she just met and with their situation, how could she?

They all stayed silent. No one dared to make a sound or utter a word, using their eyes to communicate with each other. A very creepy music is playing which did not help to calm Margaux's nerves.

It was like that until the Elevator opened. Jane's the first one to get out, followed by the rest. They're greeted by a woman in Italian which Margaux didn't understand at all, but she still nod her head to greet her back.


"Sister, we sent you out to get one, you came back with---4 and half. Such a clever girl" A man said. They're now in a room that have an interior of an old castle. Margaux would've been amazed by it, but she's too scared to even think about it, especially when it's full of vampires with red eyes.

"Ah! What a lovely surprise! Bella is alive after all and---Rad! It's nice to finally see you---again"  The Man trailed off as he noticed Margaux. For a moment, Margaux wanted to pass out and prayed for the ground to suddenly open and swallow her whole being. It was the Man that attacked her in her nightmares.

"Who is she?" The Man, Aro, asked as he walks towards them.

"No one" it was Radleigh.

Aro then smiled at him mischievously before taking Marguax's hand and pulling her towards him. Rad was about to attack, but Alice and Edward held him back.

Amusement is evident on Aro's face after  Radleigh's reaction, he caught him. He wouldn't react like that if this girl is just "no one". Radleigh is one of the people he wants to be in his coven because of his gift and the girl might be the reason why he does not want to. Aro knows him, he read his thoughts and he knew that he is a man who loves power, so it was a wonder to him why he always declined his offer even if he's offering him one of highest position.

But it turn into confusion when he couldn't see anything from her. Instead, He could feel her hands get hotter each seconds that he had to let it go cause it feels like it will set his hands on fire any seconds if he didnt.

Margaux brows furrowed, definitely confuse  about his reaction, but relieve that he let go. She watches as Aro start to talk to the couple who is the reason behind all of it. Taking Edward's hand in his.

"La tua cantante" he looked at Bella then back at Edward, "Her blood appeals to you so much---It makes me thirsty"

"How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"Its not without difficulty"

"I can see that" Aro chuckled.

"Aro could read every thought that I have by one touch" Edward explained. "And now you know everything, so get on with it"

"You're a quite soul reader youself, Edward. Though you can't read Bella's and Margaux's thoughts---Fascinating" he said.

Margaux became even more curious. It's not just Alice, but Edward and Aro too, has gift and both of them couldn't use it on her, not sure if Aro can. Alice can't see her future and Edward can't read her thoughts. There's a possibility that Aro can't too. It is because she's a human, but Bella's a human too.

Aro took a step back, "I would love to see if you are exceptional to my gift aswell" he said, his eyes lingering on Margaux for a second.

They all watched as Aro look for Bella's thoughts. "Interesting. I see nothing" He turned away. Margaux knew for sure that he is dissapointed or even threatened by it.

"I wonder---let us see if she's immune to all our powers. Shall we, Jane?"

Radleigh immediately pulled Margaux behind his back as Edward fell down on his knees. "Stop" Bella begged "Stop hurting him, Please, Please"


It stopped, "Master"

"Go ahead, my dear"

Jane looked at Bella, but nothing happened. Aro laugh, "Remarkable. She confound us all, so what do we do with you now?"

"You already know what you're going to do, Aro"

"She knows too much. The other girl too. They're a liability"

Aro looked at the humans, "Felix"

The Volturi vampires start attacking. Alice and Radleigh tried to fight too. Radleigh tried to use his gift, but they were outnumbered. Margaux, on the other hand, is being strangled by a vampire.

It all happened so fast that Margaux didn't even realize that she somehow set a vampire on fire.

The rest are too stunned to speak. They just watched as the vampire screamed as he burns and die, painfully. Radleigh took this chance to push the volturi guards off of him and kneel down beside Margaux.

He helped her stand up, wrapping his arms around her.

"How extraordinary" It was Aro who decided to break the ice. "I wonder, how powerful you'll become as an immortal. You may be a great use to me, to us. Right, Radleigh?"

"Get her out of your sick plans, Aro. That's not happening"

Aro just laugh, "Pity. If only both of you have the intention to give them immortality. I would let you all go, but---" he said.

"They will be. They'll be one of us. I've seen it" Alice butted in.

The girl stepped forward offering her hand to Aro, who gladly took it in his'.

"Mesmerizing. To see what you have seen before it has happen. Both of their gifts will make an intriguing immortal. I'll let you all go now. Make your preparations"

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