CHAPTER: thirty-eight

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"What's happening in here?" Radleigh blurted out as both, him and Margaux arrived at the Cullen's place.

"Bella?" Margaux whispered, taking her time to see if it was actually her before she ran to embrace her friend. "Oh my god, I miss you" she said, squeezing her friend. "We have so much to catch, wait, what happened? Where's Renesmee?"

"Maybe we should all head back inside Carlisle can check up on him too. Jacob, please help your friend inside" Radleigh butted in, grabbing his girlfriend by her shoulders, pulling her with him.

"Wait...I wanna go see Renesmee" Margaux tried to pry his arms off of her but Radleigh didn't budge. "C'mon, love. Bella just woke up. I am hundred percent sure she wants to be with her" Radleigh reasoned out.

Margaux just pouted, "But I haven't seen her since yesterday"

"And you will see her tomorrow, first thing in the morning" Radleigh said, opening the door, letting Margaux in first.

Margaux went straight to sit on the bed, "The council gave me a letter last night"

"From the Council?"

"Yes, it is. It's from the Council this time. They said they're sorry for what happened. They want to have the talk. Seth gave it to my Mom and then she delivered it to me"

The Man nodded. Although he's still not quite sure, he also considered about what Margaux said the last time they talked about it. It's her family. Even after what happened, what they did before, the pack is and will always be a big part of who she is now and who will be.

"What do you want to do now?" Radleigh asked, sitting down next to her.

"What do you want me to do?"

"No, no. Love, it's your call. The last time was...I'm sorry, but the letter is suspicious and I know, just like what you said, that you'll take any chances if it means fixing up things with your family and I appreciate that you thought of telling me about it, but it doesn't mean that you'll do everything I told you to"

Margaux nodded, letting out a sigh. "I'll set up a date and location. I still wanna look out for any possible sabotage. You can come with me, if you want"

"I would if that's what you really want and you're not worried about me getting upset at you"

"No. I want you there with me. I would feel much at ease if you are there"


The two we're quietly playing scrabbles when someone knocked on the door. "Come in" Radleigh replied as Margaux's too busy forming a word on the bord.

To their surprise, it was Rosalie with baby Renesmee in her arms. Margaux's quickly stoop up, knocking some letters out of the board in the process.

"Oh my, Renesmee. I miss you, baby"

"Edward and Bella's gonna be out tonight. and the rest of us are gonna out to hunt. So, she's gonna be with you for a long time til my turn tomorrow" Rosalie said, handing baby Renesmee in Margaux arms before throwing the baby bag into Radleigh's.

"Oh..did you hear that?" Margaux asked the baby, rocking her. "We're gonna be together for a whole night"

"Not the whole night. She needs sleep"

Margaux rolled her eyes, "Of course, Blonde. I know. You can go hunt now"

It's the blonde's turn to roll her eyes, "Take your time, Aunt Rosie" Margaux said in a baby voice, grabbing the baby's tiny hands to wave goodbye to Rosalie.

Margaux turns to Radleigh, rocking the baby in her arms.

"It has just been days, but why does she look months older now?"

Radleigh shrug, walking closer to the two. "Must be the vampire blood that makes her grow faster than a normal child" he said, taking the child's two little hands and starts playing with her.

The rest of the night was spent with Little Renesmee that if she didn't need to rest and Radleigh stopped Margaux, she would have played with her all night.

Good thing, Margaux hasn't gave the play pen and the baby crib away. Both of them set it up and placed it beside their bed.

This made Margaux feel so domestic and how Radleigh put efforts to learn how to do things for Renesmee, really warmed her whole being. From making her baby food, changing her diaper and for doing ridiculous faces to make her laugh or ridiculous moves to stop her from crying and for tucking her in. She knows and she's sure that he would be a good father.

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