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MARGAUX woke up very early. She wants to have a lot of time to prepare, it's her first day anyway. She wants to set up a good first impression. Not that she cares about what some immature teenagers will think.

"Good Morning, sweetie. Sleep well?"

She nodded. "Well, here's your breakfast and if you're finished, please come outside. I have something to show you"

Margaux finished minutes after her Mother walked out. Fishing an apple from the tray, she made her way out, not before grabbing her jacket and bag on the couch.

"You brought a new car?" asked Margaux as she sees her mother standing beside a brand new Toyota Vios.

"Yes, I did. I brought it for you. Sort of a welcome gift (?). I just thought that it's convenient for you to have your own car. You already have a driver's license after all. Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it. Thank you, Mom, but you didn't have to. I'm fine with commuting"

"And I am not. You should probably go now. Don't want you to be late. Be careful, okay?"

Margaux nodded, "I will. Thanks again. Love you" she bid her mom goodbye before getting in and driving away.


It was a 10 minutes drive. Parking her car, Margaux took a few deep breaths before finally going out.

"Um--I'm Margaux Black. I'm the--"

"New student. Welcome Miss Black. Here's your schedule. One of the student council usuall--good timing Mr. Newton. Miss Black here is a new student, would you mind it if you tour her around?"

The blonde boy, looked at her like he was in some kind of a trance. He stared at her for a few more seconds before finally getting himself together.

"Uh sure. I don't mind. Why would I? Hahaha Let's go"

Margaux let out a quiet laugh before, looking back to wave 'goodbye' to the woman.

"So, why are you here in Forks?

"Why not?" Margaux asked as if she was offended, but she knew what he meant. Forks don't usually have new student.


Margaux laughed at his reaction.

"Chill, dude. My parents used to live here and since my Mom lost her job, she decided to go back here. I think Forks' a really nice city"

"Well that's good to hear, I mean, not your mom losing her job, but you thinking that this is city is nice--Oh look at that, we're here. I guess I'll see you later? For the tour? Lunch?"

"Oh yeah. Thanks again, Mr. Newton"

Margaux wave at him before getting in the room. There's only 5 students present yet so it wasn't awkward for her. She decided to take the desk at the very back. Minutes passed, students start to fill the room.

"Okay, before we start, I believe we have a new student? Ms. Margaux Black?"

Margaux raised her hands. "Well, welcome to Forks High, Ms. Black. I am Professor Kinney. You can call me Mr. Kinney"

She nodded, letting her arms down. The next hour passed with her just taking notes or doodling in her notebook. The lessons not that interesting for her. Romeo and Juliet.


"So, guys, I want you to meet Margaux, the new girl" Mike introduced her.

"Hi, nice to meet all of you"

"Hi! I am Angela. They're right. You're really pretty"

Margaux smiled at her shyly. She's not really used to compliments. "Thanks"

"There's one more person that is missing, Bell--there she is"

Margaux looked back, she knows them. They we're in one of her classes. She was sitting behind them, so she had the full view of their "lovey dovey" moment that made her want to poke her eyes out. No offense.

Bella smiled at her before taking a seat next to her, the guy just nodded at her before walking away.

"Bella. It's nice to finally meet you, properly, Margaux"

"Nice to meet you too"

After the introductions, the group ate their lunches, peacefully. Sharing stories and getting to know the new girl.


The day passed by quickly. Margaux waved at her new found friends before getting in her car, putting her seatbelts, she noticed a group of people looking at her. They were all really pale and good-looking. She smiled at them but only three of them smiled back, one of them was Bella's boyfriend, Edward.


Margaux got home earlier than her Mom so she decided to make and prepare dinner. She cooked a simple pasta and sliced up fruits for dessert. She was already preparing the table when the door opened, "Margaux?"

"In the kitchen, Mom!"

"Hmmm--It smells good" Her Mom said. She sat down, while Margaux went to get the dinner. "How's school? Made any friends?"

"Yes. I did actually. The school's okay. How about you, How's job hunting?"

"Oh sweetie, a school hired me to be their new pre-school teacher. They hired me even though I don't have a degree in education. They told me that all I have to have is patience"

Margaux nodded, "Then, I guess, we should toast. For settling down pretty well" she said, raising her glass of orange juice.
Her mom laughed at her sillyness first before raising her glass aswell.

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