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MARGAUX decided to stop by the Rez to hang out with her cousin, Jacob, and new found friends, Seth and Leah Clearwater.

"So, how are you?" Jacob ask.

"I am okay"


"Okay, to be honest, I am still kind of wondering why I didn't phase just like you guys. You know, I was young when my Dad died and I don't actually remember him that much now and I feel like it's another chance to have a part of him and I didn't. It's kind of dissapointing, yes, but I also realized that it's okay. Atleast I don't need to live up to someone else expectation of being the new leader of the pack"

It's true. She already stopped thinking about it too much and also, her "signs" stopped. She doesn't feel hot or her senses been normal. Maybe, it just happened or appeared because she's been thinking about it too much, she started to hallucinate or unconsciously do something, like waking up in a bathtub. That makes much more sense, Although, she sounds like someone who is mentally unstable. Gosh. 

Jacob chuckled, "Speaking of the Pack, they're offering me the position, but I declined it"


"Well, I thought it would be really unfair to Sam and to you and before you say something, I don't really like being in a pack in the first place. I actually agreed to be Sam's Beta before because I know you'll come back here and you'll eventually be the Alpha and what would be much awesome than working with the daughter of the fearless, great Alpha, Lucas Black"

Margaux let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "Speaking of the pack, that Sam Uley really get on my nerves. He's so smug"

"He's just insecure. He's threatened because he knows that once you're back, the title that he worked hard for will be taken from him"

She scoffed, "As if. Does he not know? I don't have the "werewolf" thing and If I did, I would never take something from other people, but that's not the case, If I ever had it, you know, the "werewolf" thing, I am just taking what's rightfully mine and besides, he's been really rude to me. Him and his group of idiots"

Jacob laugh out loud, clutching his stomach.

"What's so funny, Jake?"

It's Seth, Leah's behind him.

"Oh, we were talking about Sam and his "group of idiots". How are you, Seth?"

"Well, I am doing perfectly good. I am enjoying it very much"

He is talking about his first time phasing. Seth is one of the wolf to phase at a young age of 14.

The rest of the day was spent hating on Sam and his "group of idiots", Jacob's and Seth playfighting, and Margaux and Leah's daily gossips.


"Sweetie, someone's on the phone for you!"

Margaux turned to look at her mother. She doesn't have any plans and definitely not expecting a call from someone.

"Margaux's speaking"

"Umm---It's Radleigh, we've met before, in Italy"

"Oh yeah, Alice's uncle, right?"

"Uncle, yeah"

Margaux bit her lips to stop herself from smiling. She's happy. She never expected for him to reach out to her, but she hoped.

"Why did you call?"

"I was wondering if maybe we could go out and have dinner. I thought it's the perfect thing to do as an apology for how I reacted before"

"Apology. Oh yeah, sure"

She's dissapointed and she hoped that her tone didn't give her away.

"I'll be picking you up at 7? Or is that too early or too late?"

"It's perfect. Wait. You already know my address?"

"I got it from Alice. Anyway, I'll see you later. Bye...." There's a long pause before Radleigh ended the call.

Margaux put the phone down, leaning against the wall. She can't believe it. She's going out on a "apology" dinner with Radleigh. Although, a bit dissapointed, Margaux couldn't hide the fact that she's excited, super excited that she ran upstairs to get ready even though there's exactly 10 hours before 7.


Fixing the loose strands of her hair, Margaux is almost ready. It's now 6:57 and anytime soon, Radleigh will be there to pick her up.

She was concentrating on putting her lipstick when she heard a honk. She jumped, ruining her lipstick application in the process.


She immediately pulled out a tissue, wiping it all off. She decided to just put a light lip balm, red isn't her color anyway before taking a one last look at the mirror. She hopes she's not overdressed for this "apology" dinner.

Running downstairs, her mother already opened the door.

"Oh mom, I forgot to tell you that I am going out"

"With Mr. Ford?" Her mother asked, disbelief.

"You guys know each other?"

Her Mom didn't reply and just looked at Radleigh who couldn't look at her back, straight in the eyes.

"Let's talk, Margaux. Come in, Sir"

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