CHAPTER: twenty-six

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"So this woman you're talking about, are you sure she knows something about Margaux's condition?"

"Yes. Minerva is her name. She's Cecilia's great granddaughter, Rad"

Radleigh nodded. Cecilia. The person he went to when he need answers regarding Alice's vision about him. She is sort of a psychic. Knows the meaning about visions and all and she's never wrong.

"She approached me out of nowhere, asked me about a girl named Margaux and that's when I remember your girl. I told her about you and Margaux and that she might be in trouble and she told me to meet up with her and she'll tell us more about Margaux's"

"She said she'll be here tomorrow evening to meet her. Why do you even have to know more, look at her, she looks fine, perfect even"

Radleigh shook his head, "No, I can't risk it. I already took enough of it. We're fortunate enough to have my venom work on her. I, we need more answer"


Tomorrow evening, A woman in his late 20s visited them, engulfing Margaux in a hug once she saw her.

"Oh dear, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"


"Have a seat, Minerva"

"Thank you, Yurich. So, I am sure you have questions, Dear. Go on, ask away"

Margaux looked at Radleigh a little unsure, "Um, you see, I am a part (?) wolf---"

"Granddaughter of Ephraim Black and daughter of Lucas Black, two great alphas of their generation. I am sorry, I got a bit excited, but please continue, dear"

She nodded, "I never phased. I never shifted, which I should've been able to do even with a human as a Mother and I had venom in my body which would've killed me right away. It did not, in fact, it actually help me heal and kept me alive"

Minerva nodded, "My great grandmother, Cecilia, told me the story about a girl that is in between. Always in between. My grandmother lived in Forks, and was friends with the Blacks. She said the girl always appears in her dreams, but her dreams get blurry as years passed until it really dissapeared, one stormy night.

The same night, she was awoken by Lucas Black to get some help. She helped his wife gave birth, but unfortunately, the baby is dead when it came out. Your father did all the thing he could do to revive you and you did. That's when my grandmother realized it was you. The girl who's always in between.

After that night, my great grandmother saw a prophecy of you. You'll only be who you're meant to be, once you met 'him'. A man looking for his redemption will help A woman looking for her identification.

And I see, by the way you look, you found each other already, but this isn't where it ends. You'll still go into a transition, a very painful one at that. Your wolf blood didn't actually removed the venom into your system. The venom actually destroyed the human part of you and your wolf blood is just too stubborn to let it in fully and take over it all. I think you're wolf blood is more dominant now that you might change a bit and feel a little 'heat' but don't worry, the day after tomorrow is full moon, which means your wolf blood is weak. The process could be life and death though. You'll live if you're strong enough to go into it, if not...."

"I'll die"

Minerva nodded. "Can't we do anything about it?"

"It's too late, Radleigh. Just like I said, her blood didn't, couldn't get rid of your venom, at all. You just can't see it because her wolf part is refusing, hiding it and dominating her body, her system, but once the full moon appears, her wolf blood will be too weak and the venom will dominate, take over her whole system. She doesn't have any choice, but to go through it or else she'll die. Her body won't work in different ways, different function. It needs to work with each other"

LA LUNA Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora