Chapter 21

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Ch 21 — Give Me Permission to Kiss You

You've already finished planning the invasion of the Empire, haven't you? Just when exactly will it start?

What about the army? Are they already in the human world?

So was the reason why you came to the capital just to confirm if the invasion would go smoothly?

Why are you even invading in the first place? What exactly are you dissatisfied about?!

<"Because the rose has withered.">

What sort of emotional outburst is that? Why is the Empire no longer needed if the rose has withered? Roses wither every year!

"Would you like me to dine in your room? Or would you like to eat in a restaurant?"


My voice was distorted since I was immersed in my own thoughts and hadn't heard what Tanma had said properly. My heart began to pound with anxiety about my future and worries of my safety.

I looked at Tanma while hugging my blanket tightly as he spoke with his characteristically gentle smile.

"However, I recommend you go to the restaurant."

His words seemed as if he were threatening me, 'If you don't go to the restaurant, even I'm not sure what will happen to you'.

"Going on a light walk along the way will be good for your body, not to mention that His Excellency is also waiting for you too. If you don't go, he'll probably spend a few more days having sleepless nights."

Why was it that to me, the sentence had been filtered into, 'I'm keeping my eyes on you to make sure you aren't getting into any nonsense, so be prepared'?


Tanma, who was staring at me, cocked his head to the side as I swallowed dryly and just stared back at him.


"Yes, I'll go!"

I answered straight away, scared that I'd hear more frightening words.

"Then I'll call for Solte to help you get ready."

Tanma smiled brightly and retreated from the room after replying as such.

Just as my shocked heart had calmed down a little more due to his departure, Solte soon entered the room not so long after that.

She had come in with other maids as well. They kindly helped me in washing up and changing.

After being relieved for a while, I soon recalled the fact that this was the place where the Grand Duke of Arvis, the Demon King lives, and started to probe their awareness.

Do they work here because they know the Grand Duke of Arvis is the Demon King? Then if that's the case, are they also demons? Then what about the horns? Why don't they have horns?

It was clearly said that demons had horns though. It was said that their physical abilities that surpassed humans as well as the abilities that were unique to each individual came from their horns.

So, although wings were a sole privilege that belonged to the Demon King, apparently all demons were supposed to have horns.

Come to think of it, the butler, Tanma, didn't have horns either, right? Then were they all just humans?

No, but if that was the case, Lecht is the Demon King and he obviously doesn't have any horns either!

Maybe he was hiding his appearance? It was probably that.

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