Chapter 26: Victory or Death, Part 1

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"Mabasa!" Richards called out, "For fuck's sake, is he dead? RESPOND DAMMIT!"

Gibson replied, "Quieten down, we won't help anyone if we are injured as well."

"How the hell are you so calm?" Richards threw his left hand up in the air, turning to Gibson, "Mabasa could be dead for all we know."

Gibson nodded, "He probably is, I'd give a two percent chance of survival, as we've already lost Heynes and Soman it wouldn't surprise me..."

Richards turned to him, his fingers twitching, "We don't know what happened to Soman, she could be still alive." He stepped forward into the dark, rubble-filled room, occasionally a spark of electricity would run through the air before dissipating into nothingness. He still clutched his M4 by the pistol grip, pulling rocks from their piles before tossing them to the side.

Gibson whistled, "That explosion sure did a number on this place, I'm going to guess and hope that the liquid we found wasn't the gas, so was it just a trap to lure us in?"

Richards didn't answer, he just kept searching; going from pile to pile he removed smaller chunks of rock, leaving only the large ones. 

"Over here..." a choking voice called out.

Gibson and Richards both looked up before looking at each other. Immediately, they both jolted forward, quickly finding a charred back laying on the ground. Richards got down onto a knee, pulling his water bottle from his rear pocket, "Mabasa, I'm going to pour water on you now."

Richards dowsed the red and black body in water. Gibson watched the water leave the bottle, and he copied, drawing his water bottle, he slowly poured it up and down charred back, "Holy shit man, thought you'd be dead."

Mabasa chuckled, "You think a little flame can kill me... ouch." he attempted to turn over and grip his stomach, "Ah shit guys... I think I'm bleeding," he drew the soot covered hand from his stomach, revealing a red substance lacing the deep black dust.

Mounts and three other soldiers entered the room, "Richards!"

Richards looked up, "Get over here, severe burns and damage to the stomach area possibly."

Mounts went onto one knee, throwing his first aid box to the side. Immediately laying out a wet mat, he rolled Mabasa onto his front, "This might sting a bit."

Mabasa groaned as a small trail of blood spread across his stomach.

Mounts nodded at Richards, "Richards, take point, continue the mission; Mclaw wants this place swept and clear of enemies, understood?"

Richards replied, "Understood," he looked at Gibson, "You're with me, let's get the rest rounded up..."


Mclaw stood facing Hunt, an SAS veteran and a spy, "So were you my enemy all along?" Mclaw asked.

Hunt chuckled, "Of course, I was put into place years before the war began, I was given my purpose but told to wait until the right moment, after you... you foiled my plan in Las Vegas, I decided to take all the information I'd gathered and leave for your attack on this very base."

Mclaw looked side to side, "I see; but you really think you can kill me?" 

A crooked smile formed on Hunt's face, "Oh I don't think anything, I know," suddenly he drew his pistol, a Glock 17. Mclaw drew his pistol, firing once from the hip, Hunt's pistol exploded into several pieces once again.

Mclaw holstered his pistol, "Too slow again."

Hunt laughed as he shook his damaged hand free, "I see... but Captain, you had to fire from the hip this time, so I've got faster."

Mclaw rolled his eyes, releasing the grip of his rifle, "Won't matter soon."

Suddenly, several footsteps filled the up the top half with the room, followed by the cocking of several rifles. Mclaw looked up as the Delta Force members raised their rifles to greet the enemy.

A subtle smiled formed on Hunt's face, but he didn't speak. Mclaw noticed it immediately but said nothing about it, instead he spoke softly and quietly into his earpiece, "I want you to open fire in sync, if we miss one we could take casualties," No one else dared to speak in fear of the enemy noticing their planning, Mclaw paused before uttering the command word, "Fire."

Suddenly, he drew his pistol, unloading into several NZA soldiers. The Delta soldiers behind him opened fire as well, causing several NZA soldiers to topple over the edge and plunge into the ground. 

"Silence," A booming voice called out before columns of flame erupted from the ground, consuming all Delta and NZA troops.

Mclaw blocked his eyes as the bright flame consumed the remaining Delta Force members and instantly incinerated them, leaving them no more than ashes.

Mclaw and Hunt looked at each other somewhat confused, but it was Mclaw who was first to speak, "So it's just me and you?"

Hunt tilted his head, "Guess so..."

A small breeze filled the underground room, causing Hunt's loose clothes to sway from side to side in the wind. 

It was silent, neither bothered to speak, they both knew how this had to end...

Victory or Death... 

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