Part 1-A Dream

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You wake up on the couch.You sit up and rub your eyes.Then something hits you....Oh crap

You quickly stand up and start looking for Brett.In the living room,empty, then the kitchen.

Going in the kitchen you feel something wet at your feet.Looking down at the floor you see blood.Fear swallows you up...Terrified

Brett was dead.You try and pick up your phone but to no avail.No Signal.You look outside the window and see no one.Just cars abandoned.Fire,corpses?


You hear a growl from beside you and so you look.It was Brett.He's alive.

Brett gets up and attacks you.Why?You take a step back horrified not knowing what to do next.You walk back avoiding him,why would he attack you.You pick up a knife.Pointing it at him you feel fear and disgust.What were you thinking?

*stab* *stab*

More blood spills on the floor and your skirt.What have you done??.Kneeling down as you look at the floor.You are engulfed in darkness.


"Y/N?"a manly voice said.You open your eyes and see Brett alive.huh?

That was a weird dream.Guess I had too much time watching The Walking Dead.

Fear the Dark - Female reader (Zombie Apocalypse )Where stories live. Discover now