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Four years later

"Sydney, in the years we've been together, you've healed both my body and my soul. You've taught my heart the meaning of love and given me a big family to be a part of, and to add to." I looked over her shoulder and saw Rose and Alex grinning at me as her wedding party, while Jude was sitting in the front row of chairs giving me a thumbs up. We'd told them all this morning that the latest try with the sperm donor was successful, and I was officially knocked up. I had Heidi and her new wife Emilia behind me as my party while we stood on the edge of the cliff in our backyard, with a lovely justice of the peace performing our long awaited wedding ceremony. "I have cherished every day that we've been together, and I can't wait to experience everything that life has to offer with the most wonderful woman that it has ever been my pleasure to meet. I would be thrilled to call you, my wife."

               "Then by the power vested in me by the great state of California, I now pronounce you wife and wife," the JP stated. "You may now kiss your bride!"

               We both took a tiny step forward, and I swept her into my arms, giving her a sound kiss on the lips. No tongue! That would be later. We were keeping it low key for now, though all I wanted was to get her out of that wedding dress and into bed!

               It had been a busy time over the last few years. Jude had really come to not only accept me as a second mom, but really love and appreciate me. He had a really tough time with Rose gone, and I was more than happy to help him through it. He was a great kid, and I loved him as my own.

               Rose had done well in prison, relatively speaking. She got out on time and had successfully completed her parole time. She had been discharged with her AA degree, and now had a bachelor's in criminal justice. No, she wasn't going to be a cop with a record, but it would help now that she was going to be working with Heidi. But the first thing she'd done when she got out, was change her name to Rose Marie Slater, like it should have been when was born.

               Heidi had been keeping track of the others too. Dickberry and Mr. Leigh were still in prison and would be for a long while after their convictions. I was fine with that. Mrs. Clark was getting out next year, though I wasn't sure what she was going to come back to. Her husband had already left her, and her prenup agreement was going to give her next to nothing thanks to her cheating on the video from the little trophy. She had no job, and I didn't think it likely that many people would be rushing to her aid.

Her daughter certainly wouldn't be there waiting for her. Evidently, Larissa's big mouth got her into trouble in prison. She was loud and proud to be a homophobe, and there were a lot of people that didn't like that behind bars. She got into a lot of fights, and even went after someone with a shiv. She didn't kill them, but her sentence had already been extended with an attempted murder conviction. I wouldn't be shocked if she never made it out. She was either going to keep getting into fights until she killed someone, or someone would do that to her.

Cindy had started out well in prison. Her cellmate was the leader of a drug ring in there, and Cindy did what she did best by using her body to bribe guards. That lasted for a while until she got pregnant, and now her folks were raising the baby for her. She couldn't, because shortly after that she got hooked on the stuff her cellmate was getting smuggled in, and it wasn't long before she overdosed. She didn't die, but she wasn't in good shape, and they weren't sure how much damage had been done to her organs. She was in a prison hospital ward these days, and it could be a long time before she was in any kind of shape to leave.

               Alex was still living in Syd's house and making good rent money while working on her own. She'd had no luck in the love department, but the way she was eying the justice of the peace made me wonder if she was going to see what all the fuss was about after being surrounded by so many of us lesbians for the last few years!

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