Chapter 14

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"She called me daddy," I told Heidi while she smirked back at me. She'd pulled the chair close to the bed so nobody could overhear us, but I was still blushing at the admission. It had been a week since that day, and while Syd and I had been very good about behaving around each other, I was desperate to know why she did that! What did she mean by it?

The worst part was, the more research I did on it, the more I got confused. I'd been pulling up article after article about it on my phone and it just made my head spin. It seemed like every story written about it, and every woman they interviewed about it, used the word for a different reason, and that just made my mind whirl. There were quite a few that said they did it because their partner asked them to, or they were into a more dominating type of relationship. Some women said it was because their partner made them feel safe. Some said it was a power dynamic thing. Some just said it was a turn on and didn't mean anything. Hell, I'm sure there were more reasons that weren't even listed!

But I didn't know which of those Syd meant, and I wouldn't until I had a chance to talk to her. Since today was my discharge date, I guess I had another 30 days to think about it.

"Did you like it?" Heidi asked me.

Well now that was the other thing. I kinda did but I didn't understand why. She'd told me she liked it when I told her to take my clothes off, that she liked me being in control. That was good, because that is what I liked to do, though I was surprised that she'd want someone so much younger to do that with her. Was that what it was, a signal for me to top her? If so, then we were in a good place, because that was what I'd planned to do. It would be fun to find out if I was right!

"Yeah, I did. It surprised me, but ever since then I can't get the fantasy of her screaming that in bed out of my head," I admitted. "Oh, and how is Emilia doing?"

She snickered a bit. "Well, she doesn't call me daddy, but she is quite responsive. And quite vocal in her appreciation of the efforts I put in."

"Why can't you just say she's a screamer?" I joked.

She shrugged with a smile. "I like her. A lot."

I looked over at her in shock. Heidi hadn't said that about anyone since I'd met her, and I was surprised that a school receptionist would be the one to make her admit that. "That's great! I'm glad we're starting out the day with me getting out of the hospital plus even more good news!"

Heidi's eyes shifted quickly to the floor, and I knew that there was bad news on top of the good. "Wait, what happened? Did the house fall off the cliff and into the Pacific?"

"That would probably be preferable," she said while shifting in the chair uncomfortably.

"Oh, no." I sat up straight in the bed as I realized what must be happening. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I wish I was," she whispered.

"How long do I have?" A feeling of dread settled over me.

"One week." She looked over at me in sorrow. "Your parents will be here in one week."

"Did they say anything?" I wondered. "Did they know about the attack?"

Heidi shrugged. "I emailed them as soon as it happened, plus I sent multiple texts. I have reminded them at least one a week since then. No replies. Getting them to answer the phone is useless, but I left messages with their assistants. When I got the text yesterday, they didn't mention it, just that you needed to get your hair done and get a makeover before they got here."

I groaned to myself. I should have known. This had nothing to do with my wellbeing or celebrating my recovery. It had everything to do with the fact that I was now a legal adult, and perfect marriage material. I could tell that this was going to be a real winner of a visit. Considering the last time that I'd seen them was my grandmother's funeral, this visit should be just as depressing. Since they had an arranged marriage, I'd always had the sinking feeling they'd try to do the same for me. They never came out and told me that, since it would require communication, but I guess I'd assumed right. Well that wasn't happening.

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